List of files (in the format .mat) for the energy budget analysis with the respective description in parentheses:
- Energy_flux_bulk_pressure_tensor_immiscible.mat (Evolution of the energy flux due to the bulk pressure tensor for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Energy_flux_bulk_pressure_tensor_miscible.mat (Evolution of the energy flux due to the bulk pressure tensor for 10 miscible RT flows);
- Energy_flux_buoyancy_term_miscible.mat (Evolution of the energy flux due to the buoyancy term for 10 miscible RT flows);
- Energy_flux_buoyancy_term_miscible.mat (Evolution of the energy flux due to the buoyancy term for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Energy_flux_Korteweg_stress_tensor_immiscible_flow.mat (Evolution of the energy flux due to the Korteweg stress for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Energy_flux_Korteweg_stress_tensor_miscible_flow.mat (Evolution of the energy flux due to the Korteweg stress for 10 miscible RT flows);
- Energy_flux_spurious_term_immiscible.mat (Evolution of the spurious contribution for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Energy_flux_spurious_term_miscible.mat (Evolution of the spurious contribution for the energy flux for 10 miscible RT flows);
- Energy_flux_total_stress_tensor_immiscible.mat (Evolution of the energy flux due to the total stress tensor for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Energy_flux_viscous_term_immiscible.mat (Evolution of the energy flux due to the viscous term for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Energy_flux_viscous_term_miscible.mat (Evolution of the energy flux due to the viscous term for 10 miscible RT flows);
- Enstrophy_evolution_immiscible_flow.mat (Evolution of the enstrophy for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Enstrophy_evolution_miscible_flow.mat (Evolution of the enstrophy for 10 miscible RT flows);
- Kinetic_energy_evolution_immiscible_flows.mat (Evolution of the kinetic energy for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Kinetic_energy_evolution_miscible_flows.mat (Evolution of the kinetic energy for 10 miscible RT flows);
- Potential_energy_evolution_immiscible_flows.mat (Evolution of the potential energy for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Potential_energy_evolution_miscible_flows.mat (Evolution of the potential energy for 10 miscible RT flows);
- Total_lenght_of_the_interface.mat (Evolution of the total length of the interface for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Variation_of_kinetic_energy_immiscible_flows.mat (Evolution of the kinetic energy for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Variation_of_kinetic_energy_miscible_flows.mat (Evolution of the kinetic energy for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Variation_of_the_energy_of_the_interface.mat (Evolution of the variation of the energy of the interface for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Energy_flux_buoyancy+viscous+pressure_immiscible_flows.mat (Evolution of the sum of the contributions of the buoyancy, viscous and total pressure tensor terms for 10 immiscible RT flows);
- Energy_flux_buoyancy+viscous+pressure_miscible_flows.mat (Evolution of the sum of the contributions of the buoyancy, viscous and total pressure tensor terms for 10 miscible RT flows);
List of files (in the format .dat) for the density field of one component for an immiscible Rayleigh- Taylor flow, indicating the linear, non-linear and self-similar regimes:
- primadensita.17_immiscible.dat (density profile for an immiscible flow at the time t=17.000);
- primadensita.23_immiscible.dat (density profile for an immiscible flow at the time t=23.000);
- primadensita.83_immiscible.dat (density profile for an immiscible flow at the time t=83.000);
For the density field, the first two columns indicate the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the grid points and the third column is the respective value of the density.
List of files (in the format .dat) for the density field for one component for a miscible Rayleigh-Taylor flow, indicating the linear, non-linear and self-similar regimes:
- primadensita.9_miscible.dat (density profile for a miscible flow at the time t=9.000);
- primadensita.15_miscible.dat (density profile for a miscible flow at the time t=15.000);
- primadensita.83_miscible.dat (density profile for a miscible flow at the time t=83.000);
For the density field, the first two columns indicate the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the grid points and the third column is the respective value of the density.
List of files (in the format .dat) for the velocity fields for an immiscible Rayleigh- Taylor flow, indicating the linear, non-linear and self-similar regimes:
- veloconf.17_immiscible.dat (velocity field for an immiscible flow at the time t=17.000);
- veloconf.23_immiscible.dat (velocity field for an immiscible flow at the time t=23.000);
- veloconf.83_immiscible.dat (velocity field for an immiscible flow at the time t=83.000);
For the velocity fields, the first two columns indicate the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the grid points and the third and fourth columns are the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the velocity respective field.
List of files (in the format .dat) for the velocity fields for a miscible Rayleigh-Taylor flow, indicating the linear, non-linear and self-similar regimes:
- veloconf.9_miscible.dat (velocity field for an immiscible flow at the time t=9.000);
- veloconf.15_miscible.dat (velocity field for an immiscible flow at the time t=15.000);
- veloconf.83_miscible.dat (velocity field for an immiscible flow at the time t=83.000);
For the velocity fields, the first two columns indicate the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the grid points and the third and fourth columns are the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the velocity respective field.
Funding provided by: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number: 303047/2018-6, 406431/2018-3
Funding provided by: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Crossref Funder Registry ID: