Published July 22, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

MACS - Multi-Annotator Captioned Soundscapes

  • 1. Tampere University


This is a dataset containing audio captions and corresponding audio tags for a number of 3930 audio files of the TAU Urban Acoustic Scenes 2019 development dataset (airport, public square, and park). The files were annotated using a web-based tool.

Each file is annotated by multiple annotators that provided tags and a one-sentence description of the audio content.


The data also includes annotator competence estimated using MACE (Multi-Annotator Competence Estimation).

The annotation procedure, processing and analysis of the data are presented in the following papers:


Data is provided as two files: 

  • MACS.yaml - containing the complete annotations in the following format:

               - filename: file1.wav 
                 - annotator_id: ann_1
                   sentence: caption text
                   - tag1
                   - tag2                 
                 - annotator_id: ann_2
                   sentence: caption text
                   - tag1

  • MACS_competence.csv - containing the estimated annotator competence; for each annotator_id in the yaml file, competence is a number between 0 (considered as annotating at random) and 1 

           id [tab] competence

The audio files can be downloaded from and are covered by their own license.



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Teaching machines to listen 332063
Research Council of Finland