Using stable isotopes to link biogeochemical processes to biodiversity of conservation concern
- 1. Queen Mary University of London
- 2. University of Oxford
- 3. Universiti Malaysia Sabah
- 4. Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology
- 5. Lancaster University
This data was collected at the SAFE experimental area, and two primary forest sites within the greater SAFE landscape: the Danum Valley conservation area (DVCA; N4.962°, E117.689°) and Maliau Basin conservation area (MBCA; N4.853°, E116.844°), located 36 Km north and 69 Km west of the SAFE project, respectively. DVCA is a 438 Km2 lowland dipterocarp forest reserve close to the Segama River at 210 m elevation. In comparison, MBCA is a 588 Km2 lowland and hill dipterocarp forest reserve, close to the Maliau River and reaching 1, 675 m at the highest point. Both are afforded the highest status as Class I Protected Forest Reserves by the Sabah state government, owing to the value of the areas for conservation and education.
In 2015 we sampled all six SAFE sites. In 2016 we did not resample one of the repeatedly logged-forest sites ('F') for logistical reasons, but extended sampling to include primary forest sites Maliau and Danum. In each year, we performed ten nights of trapping using six four-bank harp traps set along existing trails at each site (total: 60 harp trap nights per site). We checked traps late at night and early the next morning (20.30 and 08.30), and moved them each day by at least 20m. For logistical reasons, site F was only sampled using 30 harp trap nights in 2015, and site LFE was sampled three times in 2015 due to low capture rates.
Upon capture, we identified each bat to species and, for adult individuals, a wing membrane biopsy was taken using a 3mm punch (Schuco, Walford, UK) for stable isotope analyses and placed in separate tubes for same day processing. Heavily pregnant, highly stressed or recently recaptured bats were not sampled.
Project: This dataset was collected as part of the following SAFE research project: Using stable isotopes to link biogeochemical processes to biodiversity of conservation concern
Funding: These data were collected as part of research funded by:
- NERC (Research grant, NE/K016148/1)
This dataset is released under the CC-BY 4.0 licence, requiring that you cite the dataset in any outputs, but has the additional condition that you acknowledge the contribution of these funders in any outputs.
Permits: These data were collected under permit from the following authorities:
- Sabah Biodiversity Centre (SABC) (Research licence JKM/MBS.1000-2/2 (374) )
- Sabah Biodiversity Centre (SABC) (Research licence JKM/MBS.1000-2/2 JLD.4 (41))
- Sabah Biodiversity Centre (SABC) (Research licence JKM.1000-2/2 JLD.5 (153))
XML metadata: GEMINI compliant metadata for this dataset is available here
Files: This consists of 1 file: 1_Kemp_bat_iso_data.xlsx
This file contains dataset metadata and 4 data tables:
Carbon and nitrogen natural abundance stable isotope data of insects (described in worksheet Insect_isotope)
Description: A single year dataset of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values on volant insects across a gradient of logging disturbance in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. The data was collected between May – July 2017.
Number of fields: 15
Number of data rows: 173
- Order: Taxonomic order (Field type: id)
- Family: Taxonomic family (Field type: id)
- Taxa: Highest taxonomic classification (Field type: taxa)
- Location: Location within the SAFE landscape (Field type: location)
- Site: Sample site (Field type: id)
- Plot: Vegetation plot (2 sampled within each site) (Field type: id)
- Bottle: Either "top" or "bottom" bottle of the Malaise trap (Field type: categorical)
- Feeding_Guild: Feeding Guild (PHY = phytophagous; DET = detritivorous, and PRED = predatory) (Field type: categorical trait)
- Weight: Sample weight (Field type: numeric trait)
- Beam.Area.N: Measure of the nitrogen peak (uA), i.e. calculated as the area under the nitrogen curve by Calisto software. This value is directly related to N_weight (Field type: numeric trait)
- ugN: Measure of the elemental nitrogen content of the sample (Field type: numeric trait)
- X15N: The delta value of the sample, which describes the ration of 15N: 14N isotopes (Field type: numeric trait)
- Beam.Area.C: Measure of the carbon peak i.e. calculated as the area under the carbon curve by Calisto software. This value is directly related to C_weight (Field type: numeric trait)
- ugC: Measure of the elemental carbon content of the sample (Field type: numeric trait)
- X13C: The delta value of the sample, which describes the ration of 13C: 12C isotopes (Field type: numeric trait)
Georeferenced bat capture data from three field seasons, 2015-2017 in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo (described in worksheet Bat_data)
Description: This dataset provides capture data from the SAFE experimental area as well as Danum Valley and Maliau Basin. The dataset covers three field campaigns spanning from 2015 – 2017. The dataset includes species annotation, capture date and time; capture location (latitude and longitude); sex, age; forearm and weight measurement, and reproductive condition. There is also an identifier to match captured individuals with isotope values.
Number of fields: 19
Number of data rows: 2490
- Bat_no: Unique identifier for each individual bat captured (Field type: id)
- Day: The day that individual was captured (Field type: id)
- Month: The month that individual was captured (Field type: id)
- Year: The year that individual was captured (Field type: id)
- Date: Date individual was captured (Field type: date)
- TrapName: Unique identifier for each trap which was erected (trap position within sites were not consistent between years, largely due to changes in the trails and vegetation structure) (Field type: location)
- Lat: Latitude of the trap in which the bat was captured (Field type: latitude)
- Long: Longitude of the trap in which the bat was captured (Field type: longitude)
- Site: The site at which the capture was made (Field type: id)
- Family: Family classification (Field type: categorical trait)
- Species: Species classification (Field type: taxa)
- Sex: The sex of each capture (M= Male; F = Female) (Field type: categorical trait)
- Age: The age of each capture (A = Adult; J = Juvenile ()) (Field type: categorical trait)
- Forearm: Forearm measurement (Field type: numeric trait)
- Weight: Weight of bat (Field type: numeric trait)
- Reproductive_condition: Reproductive condition of the individual (M= Male; NR = Non reproductive, i.e. not yet born young; L = Lactating, i.e. milk visible below the teet; P = Pregnant; PL = Post-lactating, i.e. not currently pregnant or lactating, but evidence of having born young from distended nipples. (Field type: categorical trait)
- Time: Whether the individual was captured PM (traps checked for fly-ins between dusk and ~ 19:30) or AM (traps checked for fly-ins between time of evening check and ~ 08:30) (Field type: categorical trait)
- Guild: Echolocation guilds with calls classified as HDC = High-duty-cycle or LDC = Low-duty-cycle (Field type: categorical trait)
- Biopsy: Unique identifier to associate the captured individual with the isotope data derived from the wing membrane biopsy. If no biopsy was taken there is a reason given: "RECAPTURE" – recapture as denoted by a fresh biopsy hole; "ESCAPED" – escaped the trap before handling; "BLEEDING" – with any sign of bleeding we avoided handling; "STRESSED" – due to ants in the trap, larger bats in the trap etc.; "NOT HEALED" – biopsy wound not healed from the previous visits ~4 weeks prior; "DEAD" – dead from stress; ants, or extreme weather; "PREGNANT" – heavily pregnant, therefore we avoided handling; "WITH YOUNG" – adult female with young attached; "NO BIOPSY PEN" – no sterile biopsy pens available in the field; "LOST" – biopsy lost after having been taken ; "RELEASED" – due to some kind of stress; "NOT TAKEN" - could be any of the above or another reason. (Field type: id)
Carbon and nitrogen natural abundance stable isotope data of bat wing tissue, sampled across three field seasons, 2015-2017 in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. (described in worksheet Bat_isotope)
Description: This dataset provides carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values of bat wing tissue (3mm punch) from individuals sampled across a gradient of logging disturbance in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. The data was collected over three discrete field seasons, February – May 2015, March - July 2016 and May – July 2017
Number of fields: 10
Number of data rows: 3145
- N: Number to show the order in which the samples were run (currently the sheet is ordered in distinct runs (32 in total across the 3 years) (Field type: id)
- Name: Unique identifier to associate the isotope data with the captured individuals (matched to "Biopsy" column in "BatData.csv"). (Field type: id)
- Weight: Sample weight (Field type: numeric)
- Beam.Area: Measure of the nitrogen peak i.e. calculated as the area under the nitrogen curve by Calisto software. This value is directly related to N_weight. (Field type: numeric)
- N_weight: Measure of the elemental nitrogen content of the sample (Field type: numeric)
- X15N: The delta value of the sample, which describes the ration of 15N: 14N isotopes (Field type: numeric)
- Beam.Area.1: Measure of the carbon peak i.e. calculated as the area under the carbon curve by Calisto software. This value is directly related to C_weight (Field type: numeric)
- C_weight: Measure of the elemental carbon content of the sample (Field type: numeric)
- X13C: The delta value of the sample, which describes the ration of 13C: 12C isotopes (Field type: numeric)
- Year: Year of sampling (Field type: id)
Carbon and nitrogen natural abundance stable isotope data of basal resources (living leaves, leaf litter, soil, algae and dead wood), sampled across three field seasons, 2015-2017 in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. (described in worksheet Basal_resource_data)
Description: This dataset provides carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values of key basal resources representing the primary and detrital resource bases. The data was collected over three discrete field seasons, February – May 2015, March - July 2016 and May – July 2017.
Number of fields: 14
Number of data rows: 647
- Source: The type of biological material (Field type: id)
- Name: Identifier for each samples, of the format. PlotID_ReplicateNo (Field type: id)
- Site: Sample site (Field type: id)
- Plot: Vegetation plot (2 sampled within each site) (Field type: id)
- Location: Location within the SAFE landscape (Field type: location)
- Round: In some years some sites were visited twice (at least 1 month between visits) (Field type: replicate)
- Weight: Sample weight (Field type: numeric)
- Beam.Area.N: Measure of the nitrogen peak i.e. calculated as the area under the nitrogen curve by Calisto software. This value is directly related to N_weight. (Field type: numeric)
- ugN: Measure of the elemental nitrogen content of the sample (Field type: numeric)
- X15N: The delta value of the sample, which describes the ration of 15N: 14N isotopes (Field type: numeric)
- Beam.Area.C: Measure of the carbon peak i.e. calculated as the area under the carbon curve by Calisto software. This value is directly related to C_weight. (Field type: numeric)
- ugC: Measure of the elemental carbon content of the sample (Field type: numeric)
- X13C: The delta value of the sample, which describes the ration of 13C: 12C isotopes (Field type: numeric)
- Year: Year in which the sample was collected (Field type: id)
Date range: 2015-02-16 to 2017-07-21
Latitudinal extent: 4.5000 to 5.0700
Longitudinal extent: 116.7500 to 117.8200
Taxonomic coverage:
All taxon names are validated against the GBIF backbone taxonomy. If a dataset uses a synonym, the accepted usage is shown followed by the dataset usage in brackets. Taxa that cannot be validated, including new species and other unknown taxa, morphospecies, functional groups and taxonomic levels not used in the GBIF backbone are shown in square brackets.
- - Chordata
- - - Mammalia
- - - - Chiroptera
- - - - - Hipposideridae
- - - - - - Hipposideros
- - - - - - - Hipposideros ater
- - - - - - - Hipposideros bicolor
- - - - - - - Hipposideros cervinus
- - - - - - - Hipposideros diadema
- - - - - - - Hipposideros dyacorum
- - - - - - - Hipposideros ridleyi
- - - - - Nycteridae
- - - - - - Nycteris
- - - - - - - Nycteris tragata
- - - - - Emballonuridae
- - - - - - Emballonura
- - - - - - - Emballonura alecto
- - - - - - - Emballonura monticola
- - - - - Vespertilionidae
- - - - - - Kerivoula
- - - - - - - Kerivoula hardwickii
- - - - - - - Kerivoula intermedia
- - - - - - - Kerivoula lenis
- - - - - - - Kerivoula minuta
- - - - - - - Kerivoula papillosa
- - - - - - - Kerivoula pellucida
- - - - - - - Kerivoula whiteheadi
- - - - - - Murina
- - - - - - - Murina aenea
- - - - - - - Murina cyclotis
- - - - - - - Murina peninsularis
- - - - - - - Murina rozendaali
- - - - - - - Murina suilla
- - - - - - Myotis
- - - - - - - Myotis muricola
- - - - - - - Myotis ridleyi
- - - - - - Pipistrellus
- - - - - - - Pipistrellus javanicus
- - - - - - - Pipistrellus tenuis
- - - - - - Pipistrellus
- - - - - - - Pipistrellus javanicus
- - - - - - - Pipistrellus tenuis
- - - - - - Philetor
- - - - - - - Philetor brachypterus
- - - - - - Scotophilus
- - - - - - - Scotophilus kuhlii
- - - - - - Harpiocephalus
- - - - - - - Harpiocephalus harpia
- - - - - - Phoniscus
- - - - - - - Phoniscus atrox
- - - - - - Hesperoptenus
- - - - - - - Hesperoptenus blanfordi
- - - - - Pteropodidae
- - - - - - Balionycteris
- - - - - - - Balionycteris maculata
- - - - - Megadermatidae
- - - - - - Megaderma
- - - - - - - Megaderma spasma
- - - - - Rhinolophidae
- - - - - - Rhinolophus
- - - - - - - Rhinolophus acuminatus
- - - - - - - Rhinolophus affinis
- - - - - - - Rhinolophus borneensis
- - - - - - - Rhinolophus creaghi
- - - - - - - Rhinolophus sedulus
- - - - - - - Rhinolophus trifoliatus
- - Arthropoda
- - - Insecta
- - - - Coleoptera
- - - - - Endomychidae
- - - - - Bostrichidae
- - - - - Chrysomelidae
- - - - - Erotylidae
- - - - - Carabidae
- - - - - Lycidae
- - - - - Coccinellidae
- - - - - Scarabaeidae
- - - - - - Melolonthinae
- - - - - - Ruteliinae
- - - - - Staphylinidae
- - - - - Nitidulidae
- - - - - Lucanidae
- - - - - Ptilodactylidae
- - - - - Anthribidae
- - - - - Staphylinidae
- - - - - Scarabaeidae
- - - - - - Melolonthinae
- - - - - - Ruteliinae
- - - - - Cantharidae
- - - - - Mordellidae
- - - - - Rhipiceridae
- - - - - Cleridae
- - - - - Ptinidae
- - - - - Cerambycidae
- - - - - Throscidae
- - - - - Curculionidae
- - - - - Histeridae
- - - - - Cerylonidae
- - - - - - Gyrelon
- - - - - Melolonthidae
- - - - - - Apogonia
- - - - Blattodea
- - - - Hymenoptera
- - - - - Ichneumoidea
- - - - - Vespidae
- - - - - Formicidae
- - - - - Bethylidae
- - - - - Apoidea
- - - - - Braconidae
- - - - - Pompilidae
- - - - - Scoliidae
- - - - - Chalcidoidea
- - - - Hemiptera
- - - - - Coreidae
- - - - - Cicadellidae
- - - - - Cydnidae
- - - - - Coreidae
- - - - - Fulgoroidea
- - - - - Reduviidae
- - - - - Miridae
- - - - Lepidoptera
- - - - Hymenoptera
- - - - - Ichneumoidea
- - - - - Vespidae
- - - - - Formicidae
- - - - - Bethylidae
- - - - - Apoidea
- - - - - Braconidae
- - - - - Pompilidae
- - - - - Scoliidae
- - - - - Chalcidoidea
- - - - Psocodea
- - - - Coleoptera
- - - - - Endomychidae
- - - - - Bostrichidae
- - - - - Chrysomelidae
- - - - - Erotylidae
- - - - - Carabidae
- - - - - Lycidae
- - - - - Coccinellidae
- - - - - Scarabaeidae
- - - - - - Melolonthinae
- - - - - - Ruteliinae
- - - - - Staphylinidae
- - - - - Nitidulidae
- - - - - Lucanidae
- - - - - Ptilodactylidae
- - - - - Anthribidae
- - - - - Staphylinidae
- - - - - Scarabaeidae
- - - - - - Melolonthinae
- - - - - - Ruteliinae
- - - - - Cantharidae
- - - - - Mordellidae
- - - - - Rhipiceridae
- - - - - Cleridae
- - - - - Ptinidae
- - - - - Cerambycidae
- - - - - Throscidae
- - - - - Curculionidae
- - - - - Histeridae
- - - - - Cerylonidae
- - - - - - Gyrelon
- - - - - Melolonthidae
- - - - - - Apogonia
- - - - Hemiptera
- - - - - Coreidae
- - - - - Cicadellidae
- - - - - Cydnidae
- - - - - Coreidae
- - - - - Fulgoroidea
- - - - - Reduviidae
- - - - - Miridae
- - - - Trichoptera
- - - - Diptera
- - - - - Mycetophilidae
- - - - - Empididae
- - - - Hymenoptera
- - - - - Ichneumoidea
- - - - - Vespidae
- - - - - Formicidae
- - - - - Bethylidae
- - - - - Apoidea
- - - - - Braconidae
- - - - - Pompilidae
- - - - - Scoliidae
- - - - - Chalcidoidea
- - - Insecta
- - - - Coleoptera
- - - - - Endomychidae
- - - - - Bostrichidae
- - - - - Chrysomelidae
- - - - - Erotylidae
- - - - - Carabidae
- - - - - Lycidae
- - - - - Coccinellidae
- - - - - Scarabaeidae
- - - - - - Melolonthinae
- - - - - - Ruteliinae
- - - - - Staphylinidae
- - - - - Nitidulidae
- - - - - Lucanidae
- - - - - Ptilodactylidae
- - - - - Anthribidae
- - - - - Staphylinidae
- - - - - Scarabaeidae
- - - - - - Melolonthinae
- - - - - - Ruteliinae
- - - - - Cantharidae
- - - - - Mordellidae
- - - - - Rhipiceridae
- - - - - Cleridae
- - - - - Ptinidae
- - - - - Cerambycidae
- - - - - Throscidae
- - - - - Curculionidae
- - - - - Histeridae
- - - - - Cerylonidae
- - - - - - Gyrelon
- - - - - Melolonthidae
- - - - - - Apogonia
- - - - Blattodea
- - - - Hymenoptera
- - - - - Ichneumoidea
- - - - - Vespidae
- - - - - Formicidae
- - - - - Bethylidae
- - - - - Apoidea
- - - - - Braconidae
- - - - - Pompilidae
- - - - - Scoliidae
- - - - - Chalcidoidea
- - - - Hemiptera
- - - - - Coreidae
- - - - - Cicadellidae
- - - - - Cydnidae
- - - - - Coreidae
- - - - - Fulgoroidea
- - - - - Reduviidae
- - - - - Miridae
- - - - Lepidoptera
- - - - Hymenoptera
- - - - - Ichneumoidea
- - - - - Vespidae
- - - - - Formicidae
- - - - - Bethylidae
- - - - - Apoidea
- - - - - Braconidae
- - - - - Pompilidae
- - - - - Scoliidae
- - - - - Chalcidoidea
- - - - Psocodea
- - - - Coleoptera
- - - - - Endomychidae
- - - - - Bostrichidae
- - - - - Chrysomelidae
- - - - - Erotylidae
- - - - - Carabidae
- - - - - Lycidae
- - - - - Coccinellidae
- - - - - Scarabaeidae
- - - - - - Melolonthinae
- - - - - - Ruteliinae
- - - - - Staphylinidae
- - - - - Nitidulidae
- - - - - Lucanidae
- - - - - Ptilodactylidae
- - - - - Anthribidae
- - - - - Staphylinidae
- - - - - Scarabaeidae
- - - - - - Melolonthinae
- - - - - - Ruteliinae
- - - - - Cantharidae
- - - - - Mordellidae
- - - - - Rhipiceridae
- - - - - Cleridae
- - - - - Ptinidae
- - - - - Cerambycidae
- - - - - Throscidae
- - - - - Curculionidae
- - - - - Histeridae
- - - - - Cerylonidae
- - - - - - Gyrelon
- - - - - Melolonthidae
- - - - - - Apogonia
- - - - Hemiptera
- - - - - Coreidae
- - - - - Cicadellidae
- - - - - Cydnidae
- - - - - Coreidae
- - - - - Fulgoroidea
- - - - - Reduviidae
- - - - - Miridae
- - - - Trichoptera
- - - - Diptera
- - - - - Mycetophilidae
- - - - - Empididae
- - - - Hymenoptera
- - - - - Ichneumoidea
- - - - - Vespidae
- - - - - Formicidae
- - - - - Bethylidae
- - - - - Apoidea
- - - - - Braconidae
- - - - - Pompilidae
- - - - - Scoliidae
- - - - - Chalcidoidea
- - - Insecta
- - - - Coleoptera
- - - - - Endomychidae
- - - - - Bostrichidae
- - - - - Chrysomelidae
- - - - - Erotylidae
- - - - - Carabidae
- - - - - Lycidae
- - - - - Coccinellidae
- - - - - Scarabaeidae
- - - - - - Melolonthinae
- - - - - - Ruteliinae
- - - - - Staphylinidae
- - - - - Nitidulidae
- - - - - Lucanidae
- - - - - Ptilodactylidae
- - - - - Anthribidae
- - - - - Staphylinidae
- - - - - Scarabaeidae
- - - - - - Melolonthinae
- - - - - - Ruteliinae
- - - - - Cantharidae
- - - - - Mordellidae
- - - - - Rhipiceridae
- - - - - Cleridae
- - - - - Ptinidae
- - - - - Cerambycidae
- - - - - Throscidae
- - - - - Curculionidae
- - - - - Histeridae
- - - - - Cerylonidae
- - - - - - Gyrelon
- - - - - Melolonthidae
- - - - - - Apogonia
- - - - Blattodea
- - - - Hymenoptera
- - - - - Ichneumoidea
- - - - - Vespidae
- - - - - Formicidae
- - - - - Bethylidae
- - - - - Apoidea
- - - - - Braconidae
- - - - - Pompilidae
- - - - - Scoliidae
- - - - - Chalcidoidea
- - - - Hemiptera
- - - - - Coreidae
- - - - - Cicadellidae
- - - - - Cydnidae
- - - - - Coreidae
- - - - - Fulgoroidea
- - - - - Reduviidae
- - - - - Miridae
- - - - Lepidoptera
- - - - Hymenoptera
- - - - - Ichneumoidea
- - - - - Vespidae
- - - - - Formicidae
- - - - - Bethylidae
- - - - - Apoidea
- - - - - Braconidae
- - - - - Pompilidae
- - - - - Scoliidae
- - - - - Chalcidoidea
- - - - Psocodea
- - - - Coleoptera
- - - - - Endomychidae
- - - - - Bostrichidae
- - - - - Chrysomelidae
- - - - - Erotylidae
- - - - - Carabidae
- - - - - Lycidae
- - - - - Coccinellidae
- - - - - Scarabaeidae
- - - - - - Melolonthinae
- - - - - - Ruteliinae
- - - - - Staphylinidae
- - - - - Nitidulidae
- - - - - Lucanidae
- - - - - Ptilodactylidae
- - - - - Anthribidae
- - - - - Staphylinidae
- - - - - Scarabaeidae
- - - - - - Melolonthinae
- - - - - - Ruteliinae
- - - - - Cantharidae
- - - - - Mordellidae
- - - - - Rhipiceridae
- - - - - Cleridae
- - - - - Ptinidae
- - - - - Cerambycidae
- - - - - Throscidae
- - - - - Curculionidae
- - - - - Histeridae
- - - - - Cerylonidae
- - - - - - Gyrelon
- - - - - Melolonthidae
- - - - - - Apogonia
- - - - Hemiptera
- - - - - Coreidae
- - - - - Cicadellidae
- - - - - Cydnidae
- - - - - Coreidae
- - - - - Fulgoroidea
- - - - - Reduviidae
- - - - - Miridae
- - - - Trichoptera
- - - - Diptera
- - - - - Mycetophilidae
- - - - - Empididae
- - - - Hymenoptera
- - - - - Ichneumoidea
- - - - - Vespidae
- - - - - Formicidae
- - - - - Bethylidae
- - - - - Apoidea
- - - - - Braconidae
- - - - - Pompilidae
- - - - - Scoliidae
- - - - - Chalcidoidea
- - - Arachnida
- - - - Araneae
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