Published July 16, 2021 | Version 1
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List of Synonyms for Vascular Plants growing in Sub-Saharan Wetlands

  • 1. University of Bonn


List of synonyms used in the vegetation-plot observations assessed in this work. Bold names on the right side are the names considered as accepted names in the database SWEA-Dataveg (GIVD ID AF-00-006). This list include only vascular plants. Note that sub-specific taxa (forms, varieties, and sub-species) were aggregated to their respective species prior to statistical assessment.


Funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education (grant number/FKZ: 031A250 A-H)


Supplement S2 Synonyms used in the plant species records..pdf

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Is supplement to
Journal article: 10.1127/phyto/2022/0392 (DOI)