Published December 31, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Bathyvermilia Zibrowius 1973


Genus Bathyvermilia Zibrowius, 1973

Type-species: Bathyvermilia challengeri Zibrowius, 1973

Diagnosis (from ten Hove & Kupriyanova 2009).

Tube white, opaque, circular in cross-section, longitudinal keel may be present. Collar-like rings present. Granular overlay absent. Operculum sub-globular, with simple flat to slightly conical chitinous endplate, which may be encrusted by calcareous deposit. Peduncle cylindrical, smooth or wrinkled, without distal wings; inserted as second dorsal radiole on one side, constriction present. Pseudoperculum absent. Arrangement of radioles in semi-circles, up to 35 per lobe. Inter-radiolar membrane absent. Branchial eyes not observed. Stylodes absent. Mouth palps may be present. Seven thoracic chaetigerous segments. Collar trilobed (may be non-lobed) with entire edge, tonguelets absent. Thoracic membranes variable, ending at 2nd—7th thoracic segment. Collar chaetae limbate. Apomatus chaetae present. Thoracic uncini saw-shaped, with 6 to 10 teeth. Anterior fang simple, pointed. Abdominal chaetae flat, narrow geniculate with blunt teeth; abdominal uncini saw-shaped, except in a few far posterior segments, with rasp-shaped uncini. Short achaetous anterior abdominal zone present. Posterior capillary chaetae present. Posterior glandular pad present.

Remarks. The genus currently contains 5 species from bathyal and abyssal depths (ten Hove & Kupriyanova 2009), including three species (B. challengeri Zibrowius, 1973, B. kupriyanovae Bastida- Zavala, 2008, and B. zibrowiusi Kupriyanova, 1993) known from the North Pacific Ocean. Zibrowius (1973) summarized morphological differences for Bathyvermilia Zibrowius, 1973, Metavermilia Bush, 1905 sensu Zibrowius, 1971, Pseudovermilia Bush, 1907, and Vermiliopsis Saint-Joseph, 1894, previously all united under Vermiliopsis, however it remains unclear whether any of these nominal genera constitute monophyletic groups.


Published as part of Kupriyanova, Elena K. & Nishi, Eijiroh, 2010, Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Patton-Murray Seamounts, Gulf of Alaska, North Pacific Ocean, pp. 51-68 in Zootaxa 2665 on pages 57-58, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.276353


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Bathyvermilia Zibrowius, 1973 sec. Kupriyanova & Nishi, 2010


  • Zibrowius, H. W. (1973) Revision of some Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from abyssal depths in the Atlantic and Pacific, collected by the " Challenger " and Prince of Monaco Expedition. Bulletin of British Museum of Natural History (Zoology), 24, 427 - 439.
  • Hove, H. A. ten & Kupriyanova, E. K. (2009) Taxonomy of Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta): the state of affairs. Zootaxa, 2036, 1 - 126.
  • Bastida-Zavala, J. R. (2008) Serpulids (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Eastern Pacific, including a short mention of Hawaiian serpulids. Zootaxa, 1722, 1 - 61.
  • Kupriyanova, E. K. (1993) Deep-water Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the Kurile-Kamchatka trench: 2. Genera Bathyditrupa, Bathyvermilia and Protis. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 72, 21 - 28. (In Russian)
  • Bush, K. J. (1905) Tubicolous annelids of the tribes Sabellides and Serpulides from the Pacific Ocean. Harriman Alaska Expedition, 12, 169 - 355.
  • Zibrowius, H. W. (1971) Revision of Metavermilia Bush (Polychaeta, Serpulidae) with descriptions of three new species from off Portugal, Gulf of Guinea and Western Indian Ocean. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 28, 1373 - 1383.
  • Bush, K. J. (1907) Descriptions of the two genera of tubicolous annelids, Paravermilia and Pseudovermilia, with species from Bermuda referable to them. American Journal of Science, New Haven, (4) 23, 131 - 136.
  • Saint-Joseph, A. de (1894) Les annelides polychetes des Cotes de Dinard. Pt. 3. Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Zoologie et Paleontologie, serie 7), 17, 1 - 395.