Published October 29, 2007 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Hycleus maculiventris


Hycleus maculiventris (Klug, 1845)

Distribution. Eastern Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea), Saudi Arabia, Oman and Yemen; doubtfully cited from Egypt. Cited from U.A.E. by Gillet & Gillet (1996: Ail Aïn and Buraimi area; 2005). It is another Afrotropical element of the Arabian fauna.

New records. Saudi Arabia: Arabia, 9 exx. (MNHN); idem, 1 ex (MRST); Wadi Jīzān, 9.xi.1978, G. Filipponi coll. 1 ex. (CB); Lodar, 800 m, 16.v.1967, K. Guichardt coll. 4 exx. (BMNH).

Yemen: Ju Amlah, 17° 07’N 43°34’E, ca. 26 Km NW Sa’dah, m 1950, ix. 1980, vi–vii.1981, M. Borri & M. Poggesi coll. 11 exx. (CB, MZUF); Al Harf, ca. 80 Km S of Sa’dah, on the road to Sana’a, vi–vii.1981, M. Borri coll. 7 exx. (MZUF).

Oman: Sur (W Rafsah), 17.iii.1976, K. Guichardt coll. 1 ex. (BMNH); Seeb, 21.1982 (?) on Citrus flower, 2 exx. (BMNH; CB).

Remarks. The limits of the genus Hycleus were clarified by Bologna (1978; 1991) and Bologna & Pinto (2002). Pardo Alcaide (1954; 1955; 1958; 1968) tried to single out some intra-generic lineages and described three sections, on the base of the shape of the mesosternum: without (Mesogorbatus), or with a small (Mesotaeniatus) or wide (Mesoscutatus) modified fore area, named “mesosternal scutum”. These sections are extremely heterogeneous and were not considered as subgenera by Bologna & Pinto (2002), who preferred to consider them as phyletic lineages, waiting for a revision of this speciose genus (about 450 species). Within each phyletic lineage, several well defined groups of species can be recognized according to the structure of antennomeres, the shape of head, pronotum and mesopleural structure, the number and position of aedeagus hooks, etc. In some previous contributions Pardo Alcaide (e.g. 1963; 1966; 1968; 1969) and one of us (Bologna 1978; 1979; 1990; 1991; 1994a; 1994b), began the effort to single out several groups of species, which could be revised separately, and also in the present paper we continue this project.

Within the previously defined Hycleus lineage with the mesosternum of Mesogorbatus - type, are included some greatly distinct groups of species differing in several features of antennal structure and male genitalia and of the mesosternum itself. The groups of H. maculiventris, H. sexmaculatus, H. brunnipes, H. quatuordecimsignatus (and possibly that of H. gratiosus), which are discussed below, as well as other heterogeneous Afrotropical groups, refer to this lineage.

The group of H. maculiventris is composed of five large sized species with 11 antennomeres, mesepisterna with concave and depressed fore areas well defined by a carina, mesosternum prolonged anteriorly and without a clear “scutum” but with a fore smooth area posteriorly defined by a vague edge (see Pardo Alcaide 1963; Bologna 1990), two apical aedeagus hooks. H. maculiventris belongs to a primarily Eastern African group of species (the H. maculiventris group, as defined by Pardo Alcaide (1963) and Bologna (1978; 1990), which includes five other species from Sahel [H. abiadensis (Marseul, 1872)], Horn of Africa [H. lateplagiatus (Fairmaire, 1887), H. rutilicollis (Fairmaire, 1893), H. thomasi (Voigts, 1901)] and Iran [H. schah (Reiche, 1865)].


Published as part of Bologna, Marco A. & Turco, Federica, 2007, The Meloidae (Coleoptera) of the United Arab Emirates with an updated Arabian checklist, pp. 1-33 in Zootaxa 1625 (1) on pages 15-16, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.1625.1.1,


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Collection code
Event date
1967-05-16 , 1976-03-17 , 1978-11-09
Scientific name authorship
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Verbatim event date
1967-05-16 , 1976-03-17 , 1978-11-09
Taxonomic concept label
Hycleus maculiventris (Klug, 1845) sec. Bologna & Turco, 2007


  • Klug, J. C. F. (1845) Symbolae physicae seu icones et dscriptiones Insectorum que ex itinere per Africam borealem et Asiam occidentalem Fridericii Guilelmi Hemprich et Christiani Godofredi Ehrenberg medicinae et chirurgiae doctorum studio nova autillustrate redierunt. Insecta. Reumen, Berolini, 24 pp, 2 pls.
  • Gillet, M. P. T. & Gillet, J. (1996) A large blister beetle Mylabris maculiventris klug, 1845 from Al Ain and neighbouring Oman (Coleoptera: Meloidae). Tribulus, 6 (2), 20 - 21.
  • Bologna, M. A. (1978) Alcuni Meloidi dell'Africa orientale e meridionale e descrizione di una specie nuova (Coleoptera, Meloidae). Quaderni dell'Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 243 (1), 137 - 189.
  • Bologna, M. A. & Pinto, J. D. (2002) The Old World genera of Meloidae (Coleoptera): a key and synopsis. Journal of Natural History, 36, 2013 - 2102.
  • Pardo Alcaide, A. (1954) Etudes sur les Meloidae. V. Les Mylabrini du Maroc et du Sahara occidental espagnol (Col. Meloidae). Bulletin de la Societe de Sciences naturelles et physiques du Maroc, 34, 55 - 88.
  • Pardo Alcaide, A. (1955) Estudios sobre Meloidae VI. Sobre algunos Mylabris (s. lat.) de la region etiopica. Bulletin de l'Institut royal de Sciences naturelles du Belgique, 31 (49), 1 - 32.
  • Pardo Alcaide, A. (1958) Etudes sur les Meloidae (Col.). IX. Observations sur quelques Mylabris (s. l.) des regions ethiopienne et orientale. Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 35 (13), 1 - 39.
  • Pardo Alcaide, A. (1968) Etude sur les Meloidae (Coleoptera). XX. Sur le genre Gorrizia Pardo et une nouvelle espece soudanaise du groupe du brunnipes (Klug). EOS, Revista Espanola de Entomologia, 43, 623 - 629.
  • Bologna, M. A. (1979) Meloidae di Turchia. I contributo (Coleoptera). Fragmenta Entomologica, 15, 143 - 199.
  • Bologna, M. A. (1990) Faunistica e zoogeografia dei Meloidae (Coleoptera) della Somalia. Biogeographia, (n. s.) 13, 375 - 457.
  • Pardo Alcaide, A. (1963) Coleopteres Meloides recoltes par M. J. Mateu dans l'Ennedi et au Tchad. Etudes sur les Meloidae, XII, Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental de l'Afrique Noire, (A) 25, 572 - 588.