Published October 15, 2007 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Fiorinia externa Ferris 1942

  • 1. Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996. E-mail: plambdin @ utk. edu Department of Biodiversity and Biological Systematics, The National Museum of Wales, Cathay's Park, Cardiff, CF 10 3 NP, UK. E-mail: hodgsoncj @ Cardiff. ac. uk


Fiorinia externa Ferris

Fiorinia externa Ferris, 1942: 393.

Adult Male (Figure 1). (Note: several incomplete specimens used to develop the description)

Material examined. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Tennessee, Knox County, on Tsuga canadensis (Brit.Mus.Nat.Hist. TN 504) 5 slides with perhaps 50 individuals, mainly in bits, few complete; Tennessee, Ferris Hall, University of Tennessee, Knox County, 21 Mar. 2005, D. Paulsen coll., 1/14; Tennessee, Lynnhurst Cemetery, Knox County, 30 Aug. 2006, D. Paulsen coll., TN218a–b, 2/19; Tennessee, University of Tennessee campus, Knox County, 5 Nov. 2006, D. Paulsen coll., TN2212a–g, 7/65 (Univ. Tenn. Insect Mus.)

Mounted material: small, total body length about 0.8–0.95 mm. Head with 2 pairs of large simple eyes but no ocelli; antennae 10-segmented, more than half total-body length, with long fleshy setae (fs); cervical groove absent. Body without pores and with extremely few hair-like setae (hs). Wings without alar setae or pores. Legs with extremely long trochanter (tr); tarsi with bifurcated setae (bs); claws without a denticle and possibly only 1 claw digitule. Penial sheath (ps) long and narrow; aedeagus (aed) long and narrow with a bifurcated tip.

Head: roughly conical, short; attached to thorax by a rather broad neck; width across genae about 150 µm. Median crest (mc) broad, posterior to dorsal mid-cranial ridge, lightly reticulated; with 1 or 2 pairs of short setae along anterior margin. Postoccipital ridge (por) heavily sclerotised, with 2 short arms extending anteriorly and two long posterior arms extending almost into prothorax; each anterior arm with a short dorsal head seta (dhs). Mid-cranial ridge (dmcr) well developed, bifid both anteriorly and posteriorly, with a pair of long dhs setae between anterior arms, each about 25–28 µm long; transverse lateral arms to mid-cranial ridge absent. Genae (g) lightly reticulated but without genal setae. Simple eyes: two pairs, each slightly oval; dorsal eyes (dse) marginally larger than ventral simple eyes (vse), dse 45–50 µm and vse 44–45 µm wide; dse about 45 µm apart, vse 28–30 µm apart. Ocelli absent. Ocular sclerite (ocs) with minute reticulations. Preocular ridge (procr) dorsally rather short, extending medially from base of each antenna and fusing with dorsal midcranial ridge (dmcr); procr absent ventrally. Postocular ridge (pocr) strongly developed, extending antero-dorsally from near mouth onto dorsal surface to about half way along ventral margin of each dorsal eye. Ventral mid-cranial ridge (vmcr) quite long, with a pair of long hs ventral mid-cranial ridge setae (vmcrs) posteriorly, each 35–38 µm long. Ocular sclerite (ocs) with 3–5 pairs of short ventral head setae (vhs) along anterior margins of vse, plus a pair between vse. Preoral ridge (pror) poorly defined or absent; cranial apophysis (ca) long and narrow, extending anteriorly to between vse, each about 60 µm long, probably with a pointed apex. Mouth (m) barely visible posterior to cranial apophysis, surrounded by a barely sclerotised mouth tubercle (mt); with a barely sclerotised tentorial pit on either side; ventral plate not detected.

Antennae: 10-segmented, segments III– VI subequal in length; length 335 µm (ratio of total-body length to antennal length 1:0.73). Scape (scp): 33–35 µm long and 40µm wide, without any setae; each with a strong basal articulation with head, and with a few reticulations; otherwise membranous. Pedicel (pdc): length 20–23 µm, width 30 µm; with concentric ridges over most of surface; each with 3 or 4 hs and perhaps a small campaniform pore (camp). Segments III–X all about 20 µm wide with many fleshy setae, each 40–45 µm long, without hs; lengths of segments (µm): III: 80–85; IV: 80–88; V: 80–88; VI: 80–85; VII 76–83; VIII 63–66; IX 60–66, and X 73–75; approximate number of fs per segment: III 9; IV 11; V –VII 17 or 18; VIII 15; IX 14 + 1 antennal bristle (ab), and X 6 or 7 fs, 5 ab + 1 apical capitate seta (caps); apical extension with 1 or 2 sensilla basiconica (sb).

Thorax. Prothorax: pronotal ridge not detected; pronotal sclerites present laterally, each lightly reticulated; without lateral pronotal setae. Post-tergites (pt) present, represented by a small sclerite on each side. Medial pronotal and post-tergital setae absent. Proepisternum + cervical sclerite (pepcv) somewhat poorly defined and not reaching head. Sternum (stn 1) not sclerotized but with a long, well-sclerotized median ridge; transverse ridge narrow and less well developed; without prosternal setae. Anteprosternal and antemesospiracular setae absent.

Mesothorax: prescutum (prsc) oval, probably rather convex, about 66–80 µm long, 80–95 µm wide; reticulated throughout; prescutal ridges (pscr) and prescutal suture (pscs) well developed; without prescutal setae. Scutum (sct) without a median membranous area, this area reticulated throughout; without scutal setae; margins laterad to scutellum apparently not reticulated. Prealare ridge (pra) and triangular plate (tp) quite well developed. Scutellum (scl) 120–125 µm wide and 35–38 µm long; with a small foramen and a pair of minute scutellar setae (scls). Basisternum (stn 2) 155–165 µm wide and 80–85 µm long; without a median ridge; bounded anteriorly by a strong marginal ridge (mr) and posteriorly by strong precoxal ridges (pcr 2); without basisternal setae; lateropleurite (lpl) narrow, without an extension from marginal ridge anteriorly; furca (f) well developed, each arm diverging quite strongly, extending anteriorly to at least level with point where mr and pcr 2 meet. Mesopostnotum (pn 2) and mesopostnotal apophyses (pna) well developed. Area bounded anteriorly by scutellum and laterally and posteriorly by mesopostnotum not sclerotised but with some faint longitudinal ridges. Mesepisternum (eps 2) not reticulated; subepisternal ridge (ser) well-developed; mesopleural apophysis (pla 2) narrow. Postalare (pa) not reticulated anteriorly; without postalare setae. Mesothoracic spiracle (sp 2) small: peritreme 11–13 µm wide. Postmesospiracular setae absent. Tegula present, each with 2–4 tegular setae (tegs).

Metathorax: metatergal setae, metapostnotum and dorsospiracular setae absent. Dorsal part of metapleural ridge (plr 3) present; suspensorial sclerite (ss) considered to be present although generally hard to discern. Postero-ventral part of metapleural ridge (plr 3) well developed; episternum (eps 3) mildly sclerotized, without postmetaspiracular setae. Precoxal ridge (pcr 3) mildly sclerotised, extending 50–60 µm ventrally. Metepimeron (epm 3) short, without setae. Antemetaspiracular setae absent. Metathoracic spiracle (sp 3): peritreme about 12 µm wide. Metasternum (stn 3) apparently membranous; metasternal setae absent.

Wings: each membranous, with microtrichia; length 800–925 µm, width 335–360 µm. Without alar setae or sensoria. Wing sclerites as usual. Hamulohalteres (ham) each 48–52µm long, 13–16 µm wide; hamulus (h) 35 µm long.

Legs: coxae (cx) lengths (µm): I 68–70; II 66–68; III 63–65 µm long; coxa III with 3 or 4 hs; long apical setae on each coxa absent. Trochanter (tr) lengths: I 60–66; II 63–65; III 68; protrochanter with transverse rows of microspines; trochanter with 3 setae, long seta barely differentiated, length about 20 µm; femur (fm) lengths: I 94–115; II 96–103; III 100; femur III with about 6 hs; profemur with transverse ridges of microspines. Tibia (ti) lengths: I 100–103; II 112–117; III 95–104; tibia III with about 14 setae; tibial spurs (tibs) each setose; longest 28–30 µm long; surface of femur and tibia with some microspines. Tarsus (ta) 1 segmented but with a distinct constriction proximally; lengths: I 68; II: 68–80; III: 68–75; tarsus III with a total of about 24–26 setae, mainly bifurcated spurs (bs), but a few hairlike setae (hs) along dorsal margin; tarsal campaniform pore (camp) present but small; tarsal spurs (tabs) undifferentiated, each a bifurcated spur; tarsal digitules (tdt) of unequal length on all legs, with one about 30 µm and other about 25 µm long; each with a small apical knob. Claws (c) long and thin, narrowing gradually, without a denticle; length: 23–28 µm, subequal to or slightly longer than width of tarsus; with perhaps only 1 claw digitule (cdt) on each claw, slightly longer than claw, with a small apical knob.

Abdomen: segments I–VIII: tergites and sternites probably unsclerotized but with distinct dermal ornamentation. Caudal extension (ce) of segment VII rounded, those on segment VIII absent. Dorsal abdominal setae (ads): segments I–VII each with 1 pair of minute setae; segment VIII without ads. Pleural setae: dorsopleural (dps) (on each side) I–IV with 1 hs; V –VII with 2 hs; segment VIII with 3 or 4 long hs, each 28–33 µm; ventral pleural setae absent. Ventral abdominal setae (avs) II–VII with 1 pair of minute hs; segment VIII without avs. Glandular pouches absent.

Genital segment: penial sheath (ps) heavily sclerotised; broad anteriorly, abruptly narrowing into a long needle-like posterior part; total length 275–300 µm; anterior broad section about 60 µm wide with, where it abruptly narrows, 2 pairs of fairly long hs posteriorly and 1 pair of long setae ventrally. Basal ridge (brps) to penial sheath apparently present both dorsally and ventrally. Aedeagus (aed) long and needle-like, narrowing slowly towards tip, apex possibly bifurcate; length 225–240 µm; anterior end appearing more heavily sclerotised; basal rod (bra) extending from anterior end of aedeagus ventrally, length about 30 µm. Penial sheath appears to be without pores/sensilla and setae.


Published as part of Lambdin, Paris, Hodgson, Christopher & Grant, Jerome, 2007, Description of the adult male elongate hemlock scale, Fiorinia externa Ferris (Coccoidea: Diaspididae), with notes on the seasonal development of the species on eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carrieré (Pinaceae), in the southern Appalachian region (U. S. A.)., pp. 29-39 in Zootaxa 1615 on pages 30-33


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Event date
2005-03-21 , 2006-08-30 , 2006-11-05
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Verbatim event date
2005-03-21 , 2006-08-30 , 2006-11-05
Taxonomic concept label
Fiorinia externa Ferris, 1942 sec. Lambdin, Hodgson & Grant, 2007


  • Ferris, G. (1942) Atlas of the scale insects of North America, Series I - IV, Diaspididae. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, IV, 385 - 448 pp.