Published July 14, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Analyzing and Adding Accident Prone Area's in Kerala into Google Map

  • 1. PG Scholar
  • 2. Associate Professor


One of the popular and most used Direction and web Mapping tool which is customer friendly is Google Maps. It maps the routes and directions into map and serves as an online/offline mapping tool. Google develop and maintains the Google map technology. Some of the features which it provides are Street view, Satellite imagery, direction, roads, speed, real-time traffic, re-routes to shorter routes, driving, flying (in beta), and taking public transportation are all accessible.

In this the accident prone areas are analyzed, studied. We get the accident prone are from the official website of Kerala Road Safety Authority (KRSA) The data is then visualized onto the custom map using Google My Maps. The Mapping is done based on the latitude and longitude information obtained from the data. There is Starting point and ending point on the plotted map which indicates the accident prone areas. The Location marker gives info about the number of accidents occurred in the place, number of causalities and many more information regarding the place

From the plotted map when a route is set between two places we can see the blackspot areas in the map. Providing an early information will help to reduce the number of accidents to a good extend.


Analyzing and Adding Accident Prone Area’s in Kerala into Google Map.pdf

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