Published November 8, 2013 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Neomillspaughia hondurensis (Polygonaceae), a new species from Central America


Ortiz-Díaz, Juan Javier, Arnelas, Itziar, Tun, Juan, Flores, José Salvador (2013): Neomillspaughia hondurensis (Polygonaceae), a new species from Central America. Phytotaxa 144 (1): 56-60, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.144.2.3, URL:



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  • Blake, S.F. (1921) Neomillspaughia, a new genus of Polygonaceae, with remarks on related genera. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 48: 77-88.
  • Browne, P. (1756) The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica in Three Parts. Gray's-Inn, London, 503 pp.
  • Burke, J.M, Sanchez, A., Kron, K. & Luckow, M. (2010) Placing the woody tropical genera of Polygonaceae: a hypothesis of character evolution and phylogeny. American Journal of Botany 97(8): 1377-1390.
  • Burke, J.M, & Sanchez, A. (2011) Revised subfamily classification for Polygonaceae, with a tribal classification for Eriogonoideae. Brittonia 63(4): 510-520.
  • Donnell Smith, J. (1899) Undescribed plants from Guatemala and other Central American Republics. XXI. Botanical Gazette 27(6): 434-443.
  • Gross, H. (1913) Th. Loesener. Mexicanische und zentralamerikanische Novitate. IV. Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis 12: 217-244.
  • Ortiz-Diaz, J.J. (1994) Polygonaceae. Etnoflora Yucatenense 10. Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan. Merida, 60 pp.
  • Standley, P. & Steyermark, J. (1946) Flora of Guatemala. Fieldiana Botany 24: 122-123.