Published May 14, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) chusqueicolus


Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) chusqueicolus (Ogloblin, 1957)

(Figs 263–269)

Lymaenon chusqueicolus Ogloblin 1957: 33 –34 + unnumbered plate (illustrations) pages 1 (as ehuqueicolus [sic]), 3 (as

chuqueicolus [sic]). Type locality: Pucará (at Lago Lácar), Neuquén, Argentina. Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) chusqueicolus (Ogloblin): De Santis 1967: 104 (catalog). Gonatocerus chusqueicolus (Ogloblin): Yoshimoto 1990: 40 (list); Luft Albarracin et al. 2009: 9 (list; distribution in


Lymaenon chusqueicolus Ogloblin: Loiácono et al. 2005: 13 (type information).

Type material examined. Holotype female [MLPA] on slide labeled: 1. “R.S. [ip] Lymaenon chusqueicolus A. Ogl. ♀ Pucará, Lago Lacar, Terr. Neuquen 25.ii.1953 V. O. y A. O. Typus 2 [ip]”; 2. “5072/1”. The holotype is in good condition, complete, perfectly spread out and mounted dorsoventrally. Paratypes [all MLPA]: 1 ♀ on slide labeled: 1. “R.S. [ip] Lymaenon chusqueicolus A. Ogl ♀ Pucará, Lago Lacar, Terr. N. de Neuquen 27.ii.1953 V. K. y A. O.”, 2. [ip] “ Lymaenon chusqueicolus Paratipo 1”, 3. “1506”; 2 ♀ on slide labeled: 1. [ip] “Collect III.54 Pucará”, 2. [ip] “ chusqueicolus ”; 1 ♀ on slide labeled: 1. “R.S. [ip] Lymaenon chusqueicolus A. Ogl. ♀ Pucará, Lago Lacar, Terr. N. de Neuquen 27.ii.1953. V. K. y A. A. O. Paratypus I [ip]”; 2. “5072/3”; 1 ♀ on slide labeled: 1. “ Lymaenonchusqueicolus A. Ogl Det. A. Ogloblin Pucará, Lago Lacar, Pcia. Neuquén. 20.iii.1955. A. O. Paratypus!”; 2. “5072/4”; 1 ♀ on slide labeled: 1. “ Lymaenonchusqueicolus A. Ogl. Det. A. Ogloblin Pucará, Lago Lacar. Pcia. de Neuquén 12.iii.1956. V. K. O. y A. A. O!”; 2. “5072/5”; 1 ♀ on slide poorly labeled [ip]: 1. “ Lymaenon chusqueicolus PUCARA”; 2. “ 20.iii. [illegible words follow]”; 4 ♀ on slide poorly labeled: “ Lymaenon [ip] STABEL Botánica”; 1 ♀ on slide poorly labeled [ip]: 1. “ Gonatocerus Pto Blest Lago chusqueicolus ”; 1 ♀ on slide poorly labeled: “ chusqueicolus [an illegible word follows] Pucara [an illegible word follows]”. The species was described from an unspecified number of females collected mainly on Chusquea sp. in Pucará (at Lago Lácar, Neuquén Province) and Puerto Blest (at Lago Nahuel Huapi, Río Negro Province) (Ogloblin 1957), and there is no reason why the above-listed specimens should not be considered as part of the original type series of this species.

Material examined. ARGENTINA. RÍO NEGRO, 2.5 km N of Colonia Suiza, 41°05’S 71°31’W, 23.ii.1999, S.L. Heydon, J. Ledford [1 ♀, UCDC]. CHILE. REGIÓN X: Isla Grande de Chiloé, Río Puntra, 100 m, 24.ii.1988, L. Masner [1 ♀, CNCI]. Parque Nacional Puyehue, Antillanca, Lago Paraiso trail, 40°46’34’’S 72°15’47’’W, 753 m, 18.ii.2005 [1 ♀, 1 ♂, CNCI].

Redescription. FEMALE (holotype, 3 paratypes listed first, and non-type specimens). Body length 1156–1427 µm. Head and mesosoma mostly dark brown; scape, pedicel, and most of leg segments dark yellow to light brown; flagellum, metacoxa, and metasoma brown.

Antenna (Figs 263, 266) with radicle about 0.25x length of scape, remainder of scape about 3.0x as long as wide, slightly longitudinally striate; pedicel longer than F1; F1 the shortest funicle segment, F2–F8 all much longer than wide, more or less subequal in length (their relative lengths vary considerably, among them F2 and F8 a little shorter and F4 or F7 a little longer), F1–F4 without mps; mps on F5 (1), F6 (1 or 2), F7 (2) and F8 (2); clava 3.2–3.6x as long as wide, with 8 mps, a little longer than combined length of F7 and F8.

Mesosoma (Figs 264, 267). Propodeum (Fig. 268) with 2 fine submedian carinae, slightly curving towards each other (closer to each other at anterior margin of propodeum than at posterior margin) and extending almost to or sometimes apparently touching anterior margin of propodeum. Forewing (Figs 265, 269) 3.4–3.6x as long as wide; longest marginal seta usually about 0.25x maximum wing width, sometimes a little less; disc with a very slight brownish tinge throughout, almost hyaline, bare behind submarginal vein and densely setose elsewhere, including behind marginal and stigmal veins anterior to cubital row of setae. Hind wing (Fig. 269) 20–23x as long as wide; longest marginal seta 2.2–2.8x maximum wing width; disc with a row of setae along each margin and several scattered setae (mostly at apex), with a slight brownish tinge throughout, more so apically.

Petiole subtrapezoidal, about 1.7x as wide as long. Gaster much longer than mesosoma (Figs 264, 267); ovipositor long, occupying entire length of gaster, markedly exserted beyond apex of gaster by 0.25–0.3x own length; 2.3–2.6x as long as mesotibia.

Measurements (µm) of the holotype. Total body length 1427; head 185; mesosoma 425; petiole 31; gaster 805; ovipositor 1088. Antenna: pedicel 56; F1 33; F2 45; F3 61; F4 58; F5 61; F6 64; F7 70; F8 62; clava 167. Forewing 1562:437; longest marginal seta 112. Hind wing 1169:54; longest marginal seta 136.

Description. MALE (previously unknown, one dry-mounted specimen from Chile). Body length 1255 µm. Very similar to female except for normal sexually dimorphic features and the following. Body mostly dark brown; pedicel, scape, and legs dark yellow; flagellum brown. All flagellar segments much longer than wide.

Diagnosis. Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) chusqueicolus is a member of the chusqueicolus subgroup of the ater species group. Females are characterized by a long ovipositor (2.3–2.6x as long as mesotibia) that is exserted beyond the apex of the gaster by 0.25–0.3x its own length (Figs 264, 267). It is very similar to the smaller G. (Cosmocomoidea) blesticus (Ogloblin), whose females have a relatively shorter antennal funicle (funicle length: clava length 3.2–3.8: 1 in G. chusqueicolus and 2.9–3.0: 1 in G. blesticus). The gaster of G. chusqueicolus is contrastingly light brown than the mostly dark brown mesosoma (Figs 264, 267), whereas in G. blesticus, the brown to dark brown gaster is more or less concolorous with the dark brown mesosoma (Fig. 216). It is possible, however, that the poorly mounted holotype of G. blesticus is just a very small, aberrant specimen of G. chusqueicolus, but variation within these taxa needs to be better assessed based on a large number of freshly collected specimens before any formal decisions about their conspecificity can be made.

Distribution. NEOTROPICAL: Argentina, and Chile *.

Hosts. Unknown.


Published as part of Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. & Aquino, Daniel A., 2010, Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species, pp. 1-243 in Zootaxa 2456 on pages 135-137, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.894928


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Linked records

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  • Ogloblin, A. (1957 [1956]) Las especies argentinas del genero Lymaenon (Halid.) Walk. (Mymaridae, Hymenoptera). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 19 (3 - 4), 33 - 40 [+ 3 plates on unnumbered pages].
  • Yoshimoto, C. M. (1990) A review of the genera of New World Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Flora & Fauna Handbook No. 7, Sandhill Crane Press, Inc., Gainesville, Florida, v - ix + 166 pp.
  • Luft Albarracin, E., Triapitsyn, S. V. & Virla, E. G. (2009) Annotated key to the genera of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) in Argentina. Zootaxa, 2129, 1 - 28.
  • Loiacono, M. S., Diaz, N. B., Margaria, C. B. & Gallardo, F. E. (2005) Los tipos de Mymaridae y Mymarommatidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea y Mymarommatoidea) depositados en el Museo de La Plata, Argentina. Revista del Museo de La Plata, Publicacion Tecnica y Didactica, 48, 1 - 20.