Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) carahuensis
Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) carahuensis (Ogloblin, 1957)
(Figs 242–252)
Lymaenon carahuensis Ogloblin 1957: 36 –37 + unnumbered plate page 3 (illustrations). Type locality: Pucará (at Lago Lácar), Neuquén, Argentina.
Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) carahuensis (Ogloblin): De Santis 1967: 104 (catalog).
Gonatocerus carahuensis (Ogloblin): Yoshimoto 1990: 39 (list); Luft Albarracin et al. 2009: 9 (list; distribution in Argentina).
Lymaenon carahuensis Ogloblin: Loiácono et al. 2005: 13 (type information).
Type material examined. Holotype female [MLPA] on slide labeled: 1. “ Lymaenon carahuensis A. Ogl. ♀ Pucará, Lago Lacar, Terr. Nac de Neuquen 21.ii.1953 V. K. y A. A. O. Typus! [ip]”; 2. [ip] “ Lymaenon carauensis [sic] ♀ Fig. [iR] ii.53 ”; 3. “3848”; 4. [red circle] “Holo-type]”. The holotype is in good condition, complete, and mounted dorsoventrally.
Material examined. ARGENTINA. NEUQUÉN: Lolog, ca. 900 m, 23–30.xi.1989, S.A. Marshall [1 ♀, CNCI]. Parque Nacional Lanín: 3 km SW of Hua Hum, 40°08’S 71°40’W, 20.ii.1999, S.L. Heydon, J. Ledford [1 ♀, UCDC]. 21 km WNW of Junín de los Andes (at Highway 62), 39°55’S 71°22’W, 19.ii–10.iii.1999, S.L. Heydon, J. Ledford [16 ♀, UCDC]. Lago Hermoso shore, 40°21’36’’S 71°28’19’’W, 1025 m, 26.ii.2007, S. V. Triapitsyn [2 ♀, UCRC]. 2 km NW of Nonthué, 40°08’S 71°38’W, 20–24.ii.1999, S. L. Heydon, J. Ledford [40 ♀, 1 ♂, UCDC, UCRC]. Pucará (at Lago Lácar), 40°09’59.3’’S 71°37’50.4’’W, 664 m: 24.ii.2007, S.V. Triapitsyn [6 ♀, 1 ♂, UCRC]; 24.ii.2007, S.V. Triapitsyn, G.A. Logarzo, E.G. Virla [6 ♀, 9 ♂, UCRC]; 1.iii-5.iv.2007, J. Parra, G.A. Logarzo, E.G. Virla, S.V. Triapitsyn [66 ♀, 11 ♂, UCRC]; 7.ii.2008, G.A. Logarzo, M.E. Guala (from sentinel eggs of Tapajosa rubromarginata (Signoret) on citrus) [3 ♀, UCRC]. San Martín de los Andes, 900 m, 20.xi.1989, S.A. Marshall [2 ♀, CNCI]. 5 km N of San Martín de los Andes, ca. 950 m, 23.xi–1.xii.1989, S.A. Marshall [5 ♀, CNCI]. 6 km N of San Martín de los Andes, ca. 900 m, 23.xi– 1.xii.1989, S.A. Marshall [3 ♀, 1 ♂, CNCI]. 8 km N of San Martín de los Andes, 1000 m, 16–22.xi.1997, C. & M. Vardy [10 ♀, CNCI]. RÍO NEGRO: 2.5 km N of Colonia Suiza, 41°05’S 71°31’W, 23.ii.1999, S. L. Heydon, J. Ledford [1 ♂, UCDC]. Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Puerto Blest (Lago Nahuel Huapi shore), 41°01’21’’S 71°49’03’’W, 796 m, 28.ii.2007, S.V. Triapitsyn [1 ♀, UCRC]. SANTA CRUZ, Parque Nacional Perito Moreno, Estación La Oriental, 840 m, 14–17.ii.1998, C. & M. Vardy [11 ♀, CNCI]. CHILE. REGIÓN METROPOLITANA [DE SANTIAGO], Til Til, viii.1994 [1 ♀, CNCI]. REGIÓN VIII: Carampangue, 22.i.1978, T. Cekalovic [1 ♀, CNCI]. E of Contulmo, Pata de Gallina, ii.1989, P. Salinas [2 ♀, CNCI]. Estero Los Ratones, 5.iii.1994, T. Cekalovic [1 ♀, UCDC]. 3 km W of Florida, 9.xii.1994, S. L. Heydon, E. Arias [2 ♀, 6 ♂, UCDC]. Periquillo, 13.x.1995, T. Cekalovic [1 ♀, UCDC]. 22.7 km ESE of Recinto, 1370 m, 10.xii.1982 – 3.i.1983, A. Newton, M. Thayer [3 ♀, CNCI]. REGIÓN IX: Bellavista (N shore of Lago Villarrica), 310 m, 15–30.xii.1982, A. Newton, M. Thayer [1 ♀, 1 ♂, CNCI]. Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael, Soler Valley, 46°59’S 72°58’W, ii.1999, P. M. Hammond [1 ♀, CNCI]. Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta: 45 km W of Angol, 1400 m, 9.xii.1984 – 16.ii.1985, S. & J. Peck [1 ♀, CNCI]; Centro de Informaciones, 37°49’S 73°00’W, 8.xii.1994, S.L. Heydon, E. Arias [1 ♀, 1 ♂, UCDC]; 37°49’00’’S 73°00’00’’W, 1300 m, 8.ii.2005, J.M. Heraty et al. [17 ♀, 1 ♂, UCRC]; 37°49’30’’S 72°58’24’’W, 1168 m, 8–24.ii.2005, J.M. Heraty et al. [7 ♀, 1 ♂, UCRC]; 37°49’30’’S 72°58’27’’W, 1170 m, 9–10.ii.2005, J.M. Heraty et al. [14 ♀, 11 ♂, UCRC]; 37°49'42''S 72°58'24''W, 1140 m, 8–24.ii.2005, J. M. Heraty et al. [1 ♀, UCRC]. Road to Volcán Villarrica at Río Seco, 39°20’S 71°58’W, xii.1994, S.L. Heydon, E. Arias [1 ♂, UCDC]. REGIÓN X: Archipiél ago de Chiloé: Isla Grande de Chiloé: Athoni Alto, L.E. Peña: iii.1988 [10 ♀, CNCI]; xi.1988 [1 ♀, 1 ♂, CNCI]. Chepu, T. Cekalovic: 12.ii.1994 [1 ♀, UCDC]; 28.ii.1998 [1 ♀, UCDC]. Chonchi, 42°37’12’’S 73°46’12’’W, 40 m, 26.i.2007, V. V. Berezovskiy [1 ♀, UCRC]. 5 km SW of Chonchi, 19.ii.1996, T. Cekalovic [2 ♀, UCDC]. Correntoso, x–xi.1989, L. E. Peña [1 ♀, CNCI]. El Chinque (N of Correntoso), 18.ii.1988, L. Masner [1 ♀, CNCI]. Terao: 42°43’01’’S 73°38’47’’W, 45 m, 12–13.ii.2005, J. M. Heraty et al. [1 ♀, UCRC]; 42°42’22’’S 73°39’12’’W, 5 m, 26.i.2007, B. V. Brown [1 ♀, UCRC]. Vilupulli, 14.ii.1996, T. Cekalovic [2 ♀, UCDC]. Isla Lemuy, Ichuac, 20.ii.1996, T. Cekalovic [1 ♀, UCDC]. Isla Quinchao, Laguna Pulol, 22.i.2000, T. Cekalovic [1 ♀, UCDC]. At Lago Calafquen, Casa de Piedra, 39°32’S 72°10’W, 26.i.1995, T. Cekalovic [1 ♀, UCDC]. Chaitén, 14.ii.1989, T. Cekalovic [1 ♀, UCDC]. 3 km E of Ensenada, 41°13’S 72°30’W, 3.xii.1994, S. L. Heydon, E. Arias [2 ♀, UCDC]. 8 km E of Hueicolla, 40°10’06’’S 73°34’08’’W, 550 m, 20.ii.2005, L. Masner [1 ♀, UCRC]. Parque Nacional Puyehue: 4.1 km E of Anticura, 14–25.xii.1982, A. Newton, M. Thayer [1 ♀, CNCI]; 4.1 km W of Anticura, 270 m, 19–25.xii.1982, A. Newton, M. Thayer [1 ♀, CNCI]; 6.1 km E of Anticura, 19–25.xii.1982, A. Newton, M. Thayer [4 ♀, 1 ♂, CNCI]; Antillanca, 40°46’02’’S 72°17’37’’W, 17.ii.2005, J. M. Heraty et al. [2 ♀, UCRC]; 800 m, 16–17.ii.1988, L. Masner [1 ♀, CNCI].
Redescription. FEMALE (holotype and non-type specimens). Body length 700–1045 µm. Body (Fig. 243) mostly brown to dark brown, antenna brown except pedicel a little lighter; legs light brown to brown.
Antenna (Figs 244, 245) with radicle a little more than 0.25x total length of scape, remainder of scape 2.8–2.9x as long as wide, slightly longitudinally striate; pedicel longer than F1; F2 longer than F1 and more or less subequal in length to the following funicle segments, F1–F3 without mps; F4 usually without but sometimes with 1 mps (often on just one of the antennae), F5 usually with 2 but sometimes with 1 or, rarely, without mps; F6–F8 usually each with 2 mps (F6 sometimes with just 1 or, occasionally, without mps, and F7 rarely with just 1 mps); clava 2.8–3.2x as long as wide, with 8 mps, a little shorter than combined length of F6–F8.
Mesosoma (Fig. 243). Mesoscutum and scutellum with weak sculpture (best seen in dry specimens). Propodeum with 2 fine submedian carinae, slightly curving towards each other and almost extending to but not touching anterior margin of propodeum. Forewing (Figs 242, 246) 3.1–3.4x as long as wide; longest marginal seta 0.2–0.3x maximum wing width; disc with a slight brownish tinge throughout, almost hyaline, bare behind submarginal vein and densely setose elsewhere, including behind marginal and stigmal veins anterior to cubital row of setae. Hind wing (Fig. 242) 16–18x as long as wide; longest marginal seta 1.9–2.4x maximum wing width; disc with a row of setae along each margin and numerous scattered setae (denser at apex), with a slight brownish tinge throughout, more so apically.
Petiole subtrapezoidal, about 1.8x as wide as long. Gaster (Fig. 247) longer than mesosoma; ovipositor rather short, 0.7–0.75x length of gaster, not or barely exserted beyond apex of gaster by at most 0.1x own length; 1.1–1.4x as long as mesotibia.
Measurements (µm) of the holotype. Total body length: 1008; head: 184; mesosoma 369; petiole 30; gaster 498; ovipositor 442. Antenna: radicle 37; rest of scape 100; pedicel 61; F1 36; F2 50; F3 55; F4 47; F5 57; F6 55; F7 56; F8 57; clava 145. Forewing 1095:339; longest marginal seta 97. Hind wing 800:45; longest marginal seta 106.
Description. MALE (previously unknown, specimens from Argentina and Chile). Body length 630–900 µm. Similar to female except for normal sexually dimorphic features and the following. Antenna (Fig. 248) brown. Body as in Fig. 249; dorsellum, propodeum, and petiole as in Fig. 250. Wings as in Fig. 251, forewing 3.1–3.2x as long as wide. Genitalia as in Fig. 252, apodeme of genital sternite inconspicuous.
Diagnosis. Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) carahuensis is a member of the chusqueicolus subgroup of the ater species group. Females are characterized by a relatively short ovipositor (Figs 243, 247), about 1.1– 1.4x as long as mesotibia, which is not or barely exserted beyond the apex of the gaster. It is very similar to larger G. (Cosmocomoidea) schajovskoii (Ogloblin), from which it differs by its finer propodeal submedian carinae, relatively shorter F2–F4 and a relatively longer F8 of the female antenna (Figs 244, 245), a little narrower forewing (Figs 242, 246), and also by a somewhat darker color of the gaster, which is usually almost concolorous with the mesosoma (Fig. 243). Occasionally it may be difficult to distinguish large specimens of G. carahuensis from small specimens of G. schajovskoii.
Distribution. NEOTROPICAL: Argentina, and Chile *.
Host. Tapajosa rubromarginata (Signoret) (Cicadellidae) [a factitious host, new record]. The three female specimens that emerged from this host in Pucará, Neuquén, Argentina, are significantly larger (body length 1170–1300 µm) than the specimens collected from wild habitats. One of these specimens lacks mps from F5 of one antenna. We presume that T. rubromarginata (and its eggs) must be larger than the still unknown natural host(s) of G. carahuensis. No members of Proconiini were collected in its type locality so we cannot identify a possible natural host; most likely, that could be a member of Cicadellini.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1978-01-22 , 1982-12-10 , 1982-12-14 , 1982-12-15 , 1982-12-19 , 1984-12-09 , 1988-02-16 , 1988-02-18 , 1989-02-14 , 1989-11-20 , 1989-11-23 , 1994-02-12 , 1994-03-05 , 1994-12-03 , 1994-12-08 , 1994-12-09 , 1995-01-26 , 1995-10-13 , 1996-02-14 , 1996-02-19 , 1996-02-20 , 1997-11-16 , 1998-02-14 , 1999-02-19 , 1999-02-20 , 1999-02-23 , 2000-01-22 , 2005-02-12 , 2005-02-17 , 2005-02-20 , 2007-01-26 , 2007-02-24 , 2007-02-26 , 2007-02-28
- Family
- Mymaridae
- Genus
- Gonatocerus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Ogloblin
- Species
- carahuensis
- Taxon rank
- species
- Verbatim event date
- 1978-01-22 , 1982-12-10 , 1982-12-14/25 , 1982-12-15/30 , 1982-12-19/25 , 1984-12-09 , 1988-02-16/17 , 1988-02-18 , 1989-02-14 , 1989-11-20 , 1989-11-23/12-01 , 1989-11-23/30 , 1994-02-12 , 1994-03-05 , 1994-12-03 , 1994-12-08 , 1994-12-09 , 1995-01-26 , 1995-10-13 , 1996-02-14 , 1996-02-19 , 1996-02-20 , 1997-11-16/22 , 1998-02-14/17 , 1999-02-19/03-10 , 1999-02-20 , 1999-02-20/24 , 1999-02-23 , 2000-01-22 , 2005-02-12/13 , 2005-02-17 , 2005-02-20 , 2007-01-26 , 2007-02-24 , 2007-02-26 , 2007-02-28
- Taxonomic concept label
- Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) carahuensis (Ogloblin, 1957) sec. Triapitsyn, Huber, Logarzo, Berezovskiy & Aquino, 2010
- Ogloblin, A. (1957 [1956]) Las especies argentinas del genero Lymaenon (Halid.) Walk. (Mymaridae, Hymenoptera). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 19 (3 - 4), 33 - 40 [+ 3 plates on unnumbered pages].
- Yoshimoto, C. M. (1990) A review of the genera of New World Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Flora & Fauna Handbook No. 7, Sandhill Crane Press, Inc., Gainesville, Florida, v - ix + 166 pp.
- Luft Albarracin, E., Triapitsyn, S. V. & Virla, E. G. (2009) Annotated key to the genera of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) in Argentina. Zootaxa, 2129, 1 - 28.
- Loiacono, M. S., Diaz, N. B., Margaria, C. B. & Gallardo, F. E. (2005) Los tipos de Mymaridae y Mymarommatidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea y Mymarommatoidea) depositados en el Museo de La Plata, Argentina. Revista del Museo de La Plata, Publicacion Tecnica y Didactica, 48, 1 - 20.