Published June 30, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

SIMCor. Deliverable 1.4: Self-assessment plan (LYN, M6)

  • 1. Lynkeus


This document presents the self-assessment plan of the project. The document contains KPIs and procedures for completing the self-assessment for each WP. The document was completed with the contribution and direct involvement of each WP leader.


SIMCor (In-Silico testing and validation of Cardiovascular IMplantable devices) has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017578.


SIMCor_D1.4_Self-assessment plan_LYN_30-06-2021_sig.pdf

Files (607.8 kB)

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SIMCOR – In Silico testing and validation of Cardiovascular Implantable devices 101017578
European Commission