Published July 13, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Design and Development of REST API Application and Pub/Sub Interfaces

  • 1. Author


The purpose of the document’s corresponding task T2.4 is to define the points of access for machines to insert or request data from REFLOW OS. This document’s purpose therefore is to provide assistance in using the developed data endpoints and APIs. It serves as an accompanying document to the release of REFLOW OS’s components.Further, this document gives an overview about how the three main components interact within REFLOW OS, which public interfaces they expose and what purpose those public interfaces serve. Alongside this document, the components are released or deployed. The public interfaces are available externally and are linked from the corresponding sections of this document. This document delivers information about how the external resources are to be used and understood. Therefore,the intended audience for this document are technical staff in the pilot cities.


REFLOW_D2.4_Design and Development of of REST API Application and Pub Sub Interfaces.pdf

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European Commission
REFLOW – constRuctive mEtabolic processes For materiaL flOWs in urban and peri-urban environments across Europe 820937