Published May 19, 2021 | Version Chapter 2
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Study of Antioxidant Properties from Different Extracts of Scoparia dulcis (Sweet broom weed)

  • 1. Sree Dattha Institute of Pharmacy, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad-501510, India.
  • 2. Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus-School of Pharmacy, Hyderabad-501506, India.


Background: Scoparia dulcis is an annual erect herb distributed throughout tropical and subtropical regions of India, America, Brazil, West Indies, and Myanmar. The whole plant is used for ailments like diarrhea, stomach-ache, kidney stones, kidney problems, and fever. Scoparia dulcis is a rich source of flavones, terpenes and steroids.

Objective: The objective of the present investigation is to study the antioxidant power of different extracts of Scoparia dulcis. Scoparia dulcis Linn belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae and have speculated medicinal properties.

Materials and Methods: The different extract of this plant were obtained by successive extraction with petroleum ether, chloroform and ethanol. These extracts (PEESD, CESD and EESD) were then taken for phytochemical screening using different chemical reagents. An in-vitro antioxidant study is carried out by using various antioxidant screening methods like estimation of total Phenolic compounds, reducing power, nitric oxide scavenging and superoxide ion scavenging activity the antioxidant activity of the extracts was related to their phytochemical composition in terms of polyphenol and carotenoid contents.

Results: The chloroform extract was found rich in phytochemical constituents and had the highest antioxidant activity in the different antioxidant systems.

Conclusion: Result shows PEESD, CESD and EESD have significant antioxidant activity. The antioxidant potential may be attributed to the presence of polyphenolic compound.



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