Evaluation of innovative activity of enterprises in the conditions of European integration
- 1. Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
- 2. National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
The processes of globalization and integration pose new challenges to the economy of any country, in particular, the issues of assessing and stimulating the innovative activity of enterprises in the context of constant transformation arise. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to substantiate the methodology for assessing the safety of the country's innovative environment, based on stimulating the innovative activity of enterprises in the context of European integration.
The result of the study is the formation of methods for calculating the relative indicator of the country's innovativeness and the general indicator of the safety of the innovative environment, which can be used in the future to assess the potential of other countries, they can serve as the basis for making decisions by foreign investors regarding investments in innovative projects. The advantages of using this methodology are taking into account the main factors of influence and conditions on the innovative activity of a particular country, and the simplicity of calculations.
As a research result, an assessment of the innovative activity of enterprises in the studied country in the context of European integration was obtained. To do this, first, the calculation of the relative innovation index was justified and performed. The advantage of this index is the visibility and greater accuracy in determining the place of the country, the level of innovativeness of the activities of its enterprises.
Justification and recommendations for cooperation with the EU are facilitated by an analysis of the peculiarities of commodity trade with the EU, a detailed analysis of the country's environmental conditions for innovative activities of enterprises using statistical indicators that are easy to find in the public domain.
The compilation of a methodology for assessing the state of security of the innovation environment was facilitated by a detailed analysis of the dynamics of GDP and the factors contributing to innovative development, which adds validity to the research results and demonstrates the ease of calculations. The proposed methodology has been tested and can be used to assess the potential of other countries seeking to integrate into the European space
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