Cyllopus Dana 1853
Genus Cyllopus Dana, 1853
Cyllopus Dana, 1853: 989. — Bate 1862: 305. Gerstaecker 1886: 490. Bovallius 1887b: 555. Stebbing 1888: 1296. Bovallius 1889: 4. Spandl 1927: 174. Barnard 1930: 405–408. Hurley 1955: 129. Hurley 1960a: 111. Vinogradov 1962: 16–17. Bowman & Gruner 1973: 25. Vinogradov et al. 1982: 239. WeigmannHaass 1983: 2. Vinogradov 1999: 1177.
Type species
Cyllopus magellanicus Dana, 1853, by monotypy. Type material could not be found at the USNM or in any other major North American museum and is considered lost. However, Cyllopus is a readily recognisable genus.
The characters of the family are also those of the genus.
Two species.
Sexual dimorphism
As in Vibilia, the sexes of Cyllopus are very similar morphologically. The most reliable character to differentiate them is the relative length of the second antennae. In males antennae 2 are longer than antennae 1 because of the elongation of articles, while in females the antennae are subequal in length. The shape of the callynophore of antennae 1 also differs slightly, tapering gradually in females but in males with a slight proximal bulge. Generally the head of males is slightly larger, and less rounded, with darker, almost black eyes. In females the rami of uropod 2 are narrower and more distinctly denticulate and in males the endopod is distinctly broader than the exopod.
Cyllopus is a very distinctive genus somewhat resembling Themisto. Two species are currently recognised (WeigmannHaass 1983), both of which are restricted to the colder waters of the southern Hemisphere.
Virtually nothing is known about the biology of either species. The large eyes indicate an active pelagic lifestyle, but the rounded dactyls of pereopod 7 are like those of Vibilia and, as in Vibilia, may be used to transfer larvae to a gelatinous host (Laval 1963, 1980). This view is supported by WeigmannHaass (1983) who first described the larvae of Cyllopus and concluded “due to special morphological similarities … the larvae of both species display a parasitic way of life like Vibilia ”. To what extent adults are parasitic or commensal is not known.
As the genus has been reviewed by WeigmannHaass (1983) only essential information and synonymies are provided for each species.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Cyllopodidae
- Genus
- Cyllopus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Amphipoda
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Dana
- Taxon rank
- genus
- Type status
- holotype
- Taxonomic concept label
- Cyllopus Dana, 1853 sec. Zeidler, 2003
- Dana, J. D. (1853) Crustacea, Part II. United States Exploring Expedition, 14, 689 - 1618. (Plates 1 - 96 published in 1855).
- Bate, C. S. (1862) Catalogue of the specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the collection of the British Museum. British Museum, Natural History, London, pp. 399, pls 1 - 58.
- Gerstaecker, A. (1886) Gliederfussler: Arthropoda. In: Dr. H. G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bilt. 5 (2). Leipzig & Heidelberg, pp. 417 - 512.
- Bovallius, C. (1887 b) Arctic and Antarctic Hyperids. Ur " Vega " - expeditionens Vetenskapliga lakttagelser, 4, 543 - 582, pls. 40 - 47.
- Stebbing, T. R. R. (1888) Report on the Amphipoda collected by H. M. S. ' Challenger' during the years 1873 - 1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. ' Challenger' during the years 1873 - 76 Zoology 29: i - xxiv + 1 - 1737, pls 1 - 210.
- Bovallius, C. (1889) Contributions to a monograph of the Amphipoda Hyperiidea, Part I: 2. The families Cyllopodidae, Paraphronimidae, Thaumatopsidae, Mimonectidae, Hyperiidae, Phronimidae and Anchylomeridae. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 22 (7), 1 - 434, pls 1 - 18.
- Spandl, H. (1927) Die Hyperiiden (exkl. Hyperiidea Gammaroidea und Phronimidae) der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903. Deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903, Band 19, Zoologie 11, 145 - 287, pl. 10.
- Barnard, K. H. (1930) Crustacea. Part X 1: Amphipoda. British Antarctic (Terra Nova) Expedition 1910, Zoology 8 (4), 307 - 454.
- Hurley, D. E. (1955) Pelagic amphipods of the sub-order Hyperiidea in New Zealand waters. I. Systematics. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 83 (1), 119 - 194.
- Hurley, D. E. (1960 a) Amphipoda Hyperiidea. B. A. N. Z. Antarctic Research Expedition 1929 - 1931 Reports-Series B (Zoology and Botany), 8 (5), 107 - 113.
- Vinogradov, M. E. (1962) Hyperiidea (Amphipoda) collected by the Soviet Antarctic Expedition on d / e ' Ob' south of 40 ° S. Issledovaniya Fauny Morei I (IX), Resultaty biologcheskikh issledovanii Sovetskoi antarkticheskoi ekspeditsii (1955 - 1958) 1: 1 - 35. [In Russian]. (English translation: Biological Reports of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1955 - 1958) 1: 1 - 32. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1966).
- Bowman, T. E. & Gruner, H. - E. (1973) The families and genera of Hyperiidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, No. 146, 1 - 64.
- Vinogradov, M. E., Volkov, A. F. & Semenova, T. N. (1982) Amfipody-Giperiidy (Amphipoda: Hyperiidea) Mrovogo Okeanea. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR No. 132. Leningrad, 492 pp. [In Russian]. (English translation, 1996, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington D. C., D. Siegel-Causey, Scientific Editor).
- Weigmann-Haass, R. (1983) Zur Taxonomie und Verbreitung der Gattung Cyllopus Dana 1853 (Amphipoda: Hyperiidea) im antarktischen Teil des Atlantik. " Meteor " Forshungs-Ergebnisse, D 36, 1 - 11. Stuttgart.
- Vinogradov, G. M. (1999) Amphipoda. In: Boltovskoy, D. (Ed.) South Atlantic Zooplankton. Vol. 2. Backhuys, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 1141 - 1240.
- Laval, P. (1963) Sur la biologie et les larves de Vibilia armata Bov. et de V. propinqua Stebb., Amphipodes Hyperides. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, 257, 1 - 4.
- Laval, P. (1980) Hyperiid amphipods as crustacean parasitoids associated with gelatinous plankton. Oceanography and Marine Biology, Annual Review, 18, 11 - 56.