Published July 8, 2021 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

Splitting atoms in natural language

  • 1. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • 2. Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft


The classic Fregean analysis of numerical statements runs into problems with
sentences containing non-integers such as John read 2.5 novels, since it takes such
statements to specify the cardinality of a set which by definition must be a natural
number. We propose a semantics for numeral phrases which allows us to count
mereological subparts of objects in such a way as to predict several robust
linguistic intuitions about these sentences. We also identify a number of open questions
which the proposal fails to address and hence must be left to future research.




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978-3-96110-314-0 (ISBN)
10.5281/zenodo.5082006 (DOI)