Development of an algorithm for selecting the required frequency of injected current for multi-frequency electrical impedance tomography for tasksrelated to preoperative monitoring of human lung function
This paper proposes an algorithm for selecting the required frequency of injected current for problems of personalized multi-frequency electricalimpedance tomography. The essence of the algorithm is to calculate the rate of change in the recorded difference of potentials for the assigned range of frequencies of injected current, followed by determining the frequency after which the rate of a change in potentials is minimal. Subsequently, the injection parameters are readjusted to the chosen frequency and the complete process of electricalimpedance tomography is started. The proposed solutions were studied on four subjects with different fat mass, defined by bioimpedance analysis. Thus, it seems possible to track the dynamics of a change in the lungs of a certain patient by visualizing the reconstructed conductivity field, taking into consideration its internal features. It was established that in the course of studying lungsby using the method of electricalimpedance tomography, it is necessary to take into account the frequency of injected current at an increase in percentage of fat mass. The results of the studies showing a change in the quality of imaging the breathing process at different frequencies of injected current (from 50 kHz to 400 kHz, with a pitch of 50 kHz) are presented. For the test participants with a fat weight of 7.6 kg, 23.3 kg, 15.2 kg and 37.3 kg, the injection frequency was determined as 150 kHz, 200 kHz, 200 kHz, and 350 kHz, respectively.
The proposed algorithm enables visual monitoring of lung function and can be used in the problems of pre- and postoperative monitoring of respiratory function of patients. Its use is particularly relevant for patients connected to an apparatus of artificial lung ventilation.
Development of an algorithm for selecting the required frequency of injected current for multi-frequency electrical impedance tomography for tasksrelated to preoperative monitoring of human lung function.pdf
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