Published April 23, 2007 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Acmopolynema orchidea S. Triapitsyn, sp. n.


Acmopolynema orchidea S. Triapitsyn & Berezovskiy, sp. n.

(Figs 53–55)

Type material

Holotype female (on slide, CNCI): TAIWAN, Orchid Island (Lan Yü), Botel Tobago, 200 m, 5– 9.vii.1991, C.K. Starr.

Paratype: TAIWAN: same data as holotype [1 female on card, CNCI].


FEMALE (holotype). Head light brown-orange with trabeculae dark brown. Mesosoma light brown (its greenish tinge is an artifact). Petiole white, gaster yellowish. Scape, pedicel, F1, and F4–F6 light brown; F2 and F3 brown; clava dark brown. Legs mostly light brown except tarsi whitish, apex of mesotibia and most of metatibia brown.

Antenna (Fig. 53) much shorter than body. Scape with cross-ridges on inner surface, about 2 x as long as wide in lateral view; pedicel shorter than F1; F2 and F3 subequal and the longest funicle segments; F4–F6 subequal in length, shorter than preceding funicle segments; all funicle segments without longitudinal sensilla; clava about 2.1 x as long as wide, with 9 longitudinal sensilla.

Mesosoma smooth. Pronotum entire, about as long as mesoscutum, with at least 5 pairs of strong, blunt setae. Mesoscutum slightly wider than long, longer than scutellum. Axillar seta weak. Scutellum without a row of frenal foveae. Propodeum (Fig. 54) with 1 pair of long, weak setae at the posterior margin; submedial carinae fine, barely extending to 1/2 length of propodeum.

Forewing (Fig. 55) 3.6 x as long as wide; marginal vein with 2 dorsal macrochaetae; longest marginal cilia a little more than 1/2 greatest width of wing; blade with 2 transverse bands, the basal band wide and yellowish, the distal band narrow and brownish, extending to wing apex along anterior margin; base of blade bare except for two short setae behind marginal vein, the remainder unevenly setose (modified setae of type D on basal colored band only). Hind wing with blade infumate at apex; longest marginal cilia 4.5 x greatest width of blade.

Coxae mostly smooth. Protibia with 2 rows of 8 or 10 conical sensilla.

Petiole slightly longer than metacoxa. Ovipositor about 9/10 length of gaster, a little exserted beyond its apex (by about 1/10 of the total length of ovipositor); ovipositor length: metatibia length 1.3:1.

Measurements (holotype): Mesosoma: 591; mesoscutum: 197; scutellum: 140; petiole: 227; gaster: 677; ovipositor: 664. Antenna: scape (excluding radicle): 91; pedicel: 61; F1: 94; F2: 136; F3: 136; F4: 64; F5: 64; F6: 61; clava: 212. Forewing: 1230/342; longest marginal cilia: 182. Hind wing: 1046/30. Legs (given as coxa, femur, tibia, tarsus): fore: 151, 327, 288, 333; middle: 121, 303, 418, 394; hind: 212, 394, 523, 412. Body length (paratype): 1387.

MALE. Unknown.


This species belongs to the orientale species group. Its forewing blade has 2 transverse bands, the basal band is wide and yellowish, the distal band is narrow and brownish, extending to wing apex along the anterior margin.


The specific name (a noun in apposition) stands for an orchid in Russian; it also refers to the English name of the island the species was collected on.


Published as part of TRIAPITSYN, SERGUEI V. & BEREZOVSKIY, VLADIMIR V., 2007, Review of the Oriental and Australasian species of Acmopolynema, with taxonomic notes on Palaeoneura and Xenopolynema stat. rev. and description of a new genus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), pp. 1-68 in Zootaxa 1455 (1) on pages 31-32, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.1455.1.1,


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Collection code
Event date
Scientific name authorship
S. Triapitsyn
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Acmopolynema orchidea TRIAPITSYN, 2007