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Published May 2, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Sminthurides pumilis


S. pumilis (Krausbauer, 1898)

Sminthurus pumilis Krausbauer, 1898: 495

AK Weber 1950; Christiansen & Bellinger 1981, 1998; Ryan 1981; Skidmore 1995; Babenko & Fjellberg 2006

YT Hammer 1953

NT Hammer 1953; Christiansen & Bellinger 1981, 1998; Rusek 1994; Skidmore 1995; Babenko & Fjellberg 2006

BC Marshall et al. 1990; Skidmore 1995; Addison et al. 2003; Cannings 2010

AB Lindo 2014

MB McClure 1943; Maynard 1951; Hammer 1953; Scott 1964; Christiansen & Bellinger 1981, 1998; Skidmore 1995

QC Rochefort 2006

Remarks: The record of this species in AB is an assumption based on species occurrence in analogous communities of the United States noted by Brand & Dunn (1998).

General distribution: Holarctic.


Published as part of Babenko, Anatoly, Stebaeva, Sophya & Turnbull, Matthew S., 2019, An updated checklist of Canadian and Alaskan Collembola, pp. 1-125 in Zootaxa 4592 (1) on page 95, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4592.1.1,


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  • Krausbauer, Th. (1898) Neue Collembola aus der Umgebung von Weilburg a. Lahn. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 21 (568), 501 - 504.
  • Weber, N. A. (1950) A survey of the insects and related arthropods of Arctic Alaska. Part. 1. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 76, 147 - 206.
  • Christiansen, K. & Bellinger, P. (1981) The Collembola of North America, North of the Rio Grande, 1 st edition. Part 4. Families Neelidae and Sminthuridae. Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, 1043 - 1322.
  • Christiansen, K. A. & Bellinger, P. (1998) The Collembola of North America, North of the Rio Grande, 2 nd edition. Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, 1518 pp.
  • Ryan, J. K. (1981) Invertebrate faunas at IBP tundra sites. In: Bliss, L. C., Heal, O. W., Cragg, J. B. & Moore, J. J. (Eds.), Tundra Ecosystems. A Comparative Analysis of Ecosystems. International Biological Programme, 25. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 517 - 539.
  • Skidmore, R. E. (1995) Checklist of Collembola (Insecta: Apterygota) of Canada and Alaska. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 126, 45 - 76.
  • Babenko, A. & Fjellberg, A. (2006) Collembola septentrionale. A catalogue of springtails of the Arctic regions. KMK Scientific Press Ltd, Moscow, 190 pp.
  • Hammer, M. (1953) Investigations on the microfauna of Northern Canada. II. Collembola. Acta Arctica, 6, 108 pp.
  • Rusek, J. (1994) Succession of Collembola and some ecosystem components on a pingo in the Mackenzie River delta, N. W. T., Canada. Acta Zoologica Fennica, 195, 119 - 123.
  • Marshall, V. G., Shrimpton, G. M. & Battigelli, J. P. (1990) A preliminary survey of Collembola in forest nurseries of British Columbia. Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 87, 85 - 89.
  • Addison, J. A., Trofymow, J. A. & Marshall, V. G. (2003) Abundance, species diversity, and community structure of Collembola in successional coastal temperate forests on Vancouver Island, Canada. Applied Soil Ecology, 24, 233 - 246. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / S 0929 - 1393 (03) 00090 - 8
  • Cannings, R. A. (2010) Checklist of the Collembola: Nomina Collembola Canada British Columbia. Available from: http: // www. collembola. org / publicat / collbc. pdf (Accessed May 2018)
  • Lindo, Z. (2014) Springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) of the Prairie Grasslands of Canada. In: Carcamo, H. & Giberson, D. J. (Eds), Arthropods of Canadian Grasslands, Volume 3. Biodiversity and Systematics, Part 1. Chapter 6. Biological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 191 - 198. https: // doi. org / 10.3752 / 9780968932162. ch 6
  • McClure, H. E. (1943) Aspection in the biotic communities of the Churchill area, Manitoba. Ecological Monographs, 13 (1), 1 - 35. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 1943588
  • Maynard, E. A. (1951) A Monograph of the Collembola or Springtail Insects of New York State. Comstock Publishing Company, Inc., Ithaca, New York, 339 pp.
  • Scott, H. G. (1964) The Collembola of New Mexico. XII. Neelinae and Sminthuridinae. Entomological News, 75 (2), 47 - 53.
  • Rochefort, S. (2006) Impact de differents types d'entretien de pelouses sur l'abondance et la diversite des Arthropodes, et potentiel des graminees endophytiques dans la lutte aux insectes ravageurs. Ph. D. Thesis, Universite Laval, Quebec, 153 pp. Available from: htttp: // www. amicus. collectionscanada. gc. ca (accessed 1 May 2019)
  • Brand, R. H. & Dunn, Ch. P. (1998) Diversity and Abundance of Springtails (Insecta: Collembola) in Native and Restored Tallgrass Prairies. The American Midland Naturalist, 139 (2), 235 - 242. https: // doi. org / 10.1674 / 0003 - 0031 (1998) 139 [0235: DAAOSI] 2.0. CO; 2