Published July 5, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D5.4 Guidelines & FAQs (LA) industries – Interim version

  • 1. LIBER


The reCreating Europe project takes a multi-disciplinary approach in bringing together several stakeholders, in order to contribute to the research on copyright law and around the enhancement of the regulatory framework towards a culturally diverse, accessible creative Europe. The project is structured in a way that tackles the challenges of each stakeholder group by dedicating a work package to related research.

Work Package (WP) 5 focuses on cultural heritage institutions, such as galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM). Following a comparative and cross-national landscape analysis, aiming to map the governance and implementation processes for Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) in GLAM, and a report on the existing copyright legal framework addressing Libraries and Archives (LA) in the EU, this deliverable sets the interim version of the Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for LA industries with regards to their conducts on a) legal compliance and compliance with standards for Openness, b) implementation of technological measures, c) adoption of social norms and common practices, particularly if in conflict with formal legal norms and more aligned to Open Knowledge principles and d) access to content by people with disabilities.

The deliverable builds upon three main resources of different focus, using emerging common patterns and uncovering synergies, for the benefit of the main target stakeholder group that is the LA industries. The current interim version of Guidelines and FAQs for LA industries will serve as material for further consultation with the relevant communities and will be further advanced, taking into account upcoming research in the context of the project. A final version will be delivered towards the end of the project.

Please note: a screen-reader accessible version of this report can be downloaded via this link


D5.4 - Guidelines and FAQs (LA) industries - Interim version_v1.0_final.pdf

Files (349.9 kB)

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reCreating Europe – Rethinking digital copyright law for a culturally diverse, accessible, creative Europe 870626
European Commission