Published December 12, 2007 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Myrmekiaphila fluviatilis


Myrmekiaphila fluviatilis (Hentz)

Figures 7, 17, 27, 56–62

Mygale fluviatilis Hentz, 1850: 286 (female holotype

from Tennessee River, Alabama, destroyed). Bolostromus fluviatilis: Banks, 1892: 147. Myrmeciophila fluviatilis: Banks, 1900: 530.

NOTE: Although no type material exists for this name, only one species of Myrmekiaphila is known from the area of northeastern Alabama including the type locality. Although it would be optimal to designate a male specimen as the neotype, only topotypic females were available.

TYPE: Female neotype, here designated, from Tennessee River, near Scottsboro, Jackson Co., Alabama [34.6371 –85.976, MYR295], 1939, deposited in AMNH. Male exemplar specimen from Ricketts Gap, Bishop Mountain, near Guntersville, S of Hwy 431, Marshall Co., Alabama [34.4551 –86.3417, MYR299], May 5, 1984 (R. Bennett), deposited in AMNH.

DIAGNOSIS: Males can be recognized by the two long, thin palpal prongs, the accessory prong being only slightly shorter and more strongly curved than the embolus (figs. 7, 27), lacking prominent serrations (fig. 27), and by the metatarsal distal dilation being very slender. Females can be distinguished by the laterally originating spermathecal bulbs (tending to appear excessively slanted laterally, fig. 62) and by the posterior sternal sigilla pair forming a distinct depression.

FEMALE (NEOTYPE): Specimen preparation and condition. Female collected live from burrow in river bank. Genital plate removed and stored in microvial with specimen. Color. Carapace, legs, chelicerae, dark reddish brown (2.5YR 3/5). Abdomen uniform very dusky red (2.5YR 2.5/2), ventrum and spinnerets pale yellow. Cephalothorax. Carapace 6.56 long, 5.62 wide, glabrous; generally smooth surface, pars cephalica moderately elevated. Fringe lacks setae. Foveal groove deep, slightly procurved. Eye group slightly elevated on low mound. AER slightly procurved, PER slightly recurved, PME, AME subequal in diameter. Sternum moderately setose, STRl 3.76, STRw 3.56. Three pairs of sternal sigilla. anterior pair smaller, oval, marginal; medial pair marginal, moderately elongate; posterior pair much larger, oval, more mesially posi- tioned but moderately separated, forming noticeable depression in sternum. Chelicerae, anterior tooth row armed with eight teeth, with large posterior margin denticle patch. Palpal endites with cuspules (ca. 38) concentrated at inner (promargin) posterior heel; labium with six cuspules, LBw 1.36, LBl 0.82. Rastellum consisting of six very stout spines positioned on mound; fringe of short spines along distal promargin extending upward from rastellum. Abdomen. Moderately setose. Legs. Leg I: 4.70, 2.35, 3.25, 2.20, 1.68; leg IV: 4.95, 2.60, 3.80, 3.24, 2.04. Tarsus I with single staggered row of 12 trichobothria. Leg I with relatively dense scopulae on tarsus and distal half of metatarsus; tarsi II, III with moderately light scopulae (on tarsi only). PT3s numerous (but missing), TB3s numerous (missing). Distinct preening comb on retrolateral distal surface (at tarsus–metatarsus joint) of metatarsi III, IV. Spermathecae. Widely separated, bulbs laterally displaced on elongate base (fig. 62).

MALE (EXEMPLAR SPECIFIED ABOVE): Specimen preparation and condition. Specimen collected from burrow in ravine bank as juvenile, molted to maturity in captivity, preserved in ca. 70% ethanol. Coloration presumably faded. Leg I left side and pedipalp right side removed and stored in vial with specimen; pedipalp left side missing. General coloration. Carapace, chelicerae, and legs dark reddish brown (2.5YR 2.5/3). Abdomen uniform reddish black (2.5YR 2.5/1) dorsally, ventrum and spinnerets pale yellow. Cephalothorax. Carapace 5.69 long, 4.94 wide, glabrous, stout black bristles along fringe; surface smooth, pars cephalica elevated. Fringe, posterior margin with black bristles. Foveal groove deep, moderately procurved. Eyes on low mound. AER slightly procurved, PER slightly recurved, PER eyes noticeably smaller in diameter than those of AER. Sternum moderately setose, STRl 3.28, STRw 2.96. Posterior sternal sigilla large, positioned centrally, not contiguous, anterior sigilla pairs small, oval, marginal. Chelicerae with distinct anterior tooth row (seven teeth), posterior margin with single row of small denticles. Palpal endites with patch of small thin cuspules on proximal, inner margin, labium without cuspules, LBw 1.19, LBl 0.61. Rastellum consisting of four very stout spines on mound. Abdomen. Setose, heavier black setae intermingled with fine black setae. Legs. Leg I: 5.25, 2.35, 3.90, 3.00, 2.56; leg IV: 5.25, 2.32, 4.40, 4.08, 2.60. Light tarsal scopulae on legs I–IV. Tarsus I with single, slightly staggered row of ca. nine trichobothria. Leg I spination pattern illustrated in Figures 17, 56–58; TSp 9, TSr 6, TSrd 1. Pedipalp (right side). Articles stout, lacking distinct spines (figs. 7, 59–61). PTw 1.15, PTl 3.00, Bl 1.29. Ledge on distal-retrolateral surface of palpal tibia, displaced somewhat medially (figs. 59–61). Palpal bulb bearing two thin prongs; auxiliary prong slightly shorter, more curved than embolus, bearing only small serrations (figs. 7, 27).

MATERIAL EXAMINED: UNITED STATES: ALABAMA: Cleburne Co.: Mount Cheaha, Cheaha State Park [33.4857 –85.8091, MYR- 219], Oct. 28, 1947 (E. Wilson, MCZ), 13. DeKalb Co.: Desoto Resort State Park, main park area 5 mi S Desoto Falls on County Road 89 [34.5026 –85.6201, MYR224], Sept. 5, 1966 (F. Coyle, AMNH), 4♀, spiderlings. Jackson Co.: mound in Tennessee River, near Scottsboro [34.6371 –85.976 MYR222, 223, 295], 1939 (AMNH), 14♀. Marshall Co.: Bishop Mountain, near Guntersville, Ricketts Gap [34.4551 –86.3417, MYR299], Feb. 17, 1984 (R. Bennett, AMNH), 13; Hurricane Branch, 1 mi S Town Creek Bridge, Lake Guntersville State Park, Highway 227 [34.3882 –86.1862, MYR221], Feb. 17, 1984 (R. Bennett, AMNH) 1♀; Lake Guntersville State Park, 34.40836 –86.19834, elev. 182 m [MY2019], June 10, 2003 (B. Hendrixson, P. Marek, ECU-AMNH), 1♀; Little Mountain State Park [34.4462 –86.15, MYR220], July 27, 1966 (F. Coyle, AMNH), 1♀.

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from northeastern Alabama (fig. 63).


Published as part of BOND, JASON E. & PLATNICK, NORMAN I., 2007, A Taxonomic Review of the Trapdoor Spider Genus Myrmekiaphila (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Cyrtaucheniidae), pp. 1-32 in American Museum Novitates 3596 (1) on pages 14-16, DOI: 10.1206/0003-0082(2007)3596[1:ATROTT]2.0.CO;2,


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Collection code
Event date
1947-10-28 , 1966-07-27 , 1984-05-05
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
1947-10-28 , 1966-07-27/2003-06-10 , 1984-05-05
Taxonomic concept label
Myrmekiaphila fluviatilis (Hentz, 1850) sec. BOND & PLATNICK, 2007


  • Hentz, N. M. 1850. Descriptions and figures of the Araneides of the United States. Journal of the Boston Society of Natural History 6: 271 - 295.
  • Banks, N. 1892. Our Atypidae and Theraphosidae. Entomological News 3: 147 - 150.
  • Banks, N. 1900. Some Arachnida from Alabama. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 52: 529 - 543.