Published December 5, 2005 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Amplisegmentum ecuadorensis Webb 2005, spec. nov.


Amplisegmentum ecuadorensis Webb spec. nov.

(Figs. 1–9)

Etymology. ensis (Latin) = a suffix denoting place, locality, country. This species in named for the country of Ecuador and is used as a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Amplisegmentum ecuadorensis is close to Notiothereva in having the parafacial setose; the body lacking lanceolate setae; and the gonocoxite with posterior macrosetae. It is separated from Notiothereva by having the male eyes dichoptic; the scape wider than the flagellum; the inner gonocoxal process directed posterolaterally; the dorsal apodeme diverging anteriorly with the anterior margin emarginate; and the female spermathecal sac duct less than 3 times longer than the spermathecal sac.

Description of holotype male (MEI 083805).

Body length 7.3 mm.

Head. Length 0.96 mm. Ocellar tubercle black, pruinescence gray; not raised above level of vertex; setae black, elongate. Eyes reddish brown; male eyes dichoptic, separated by distance 1.5 times width of median ocellus, narrower than width of ocellar tubercle, female eyes separated by distance 1.6 times width of ocellar tubercle; male ommatidia smaller ventrally and laterally. Frons pruinescence silver gray, dense; setae black, elongate, extending lateral to antennal base; black pruinescent band present lateral to antennal base. Antenna dark brown, scape black, pruinescence gray, dense; antenna/head length 0.97; scape length 0.46 mm, width 0.22 mm, length/width 2.1, scape/pedicel length 4.6, scape/flagellum width 1.6, setae dark reddish brown, elongate, grading into macrosetae, absent medially; pedicel length 0.10 mm, length/width 0.7, setae dark reddish brown, short, absent medially; first flagellomere oval, tapered to second flagellomere, basodorsal setae short, dark brown, second flagellomere short, cylindrical, third flagellomere short, tapered apically to short apical style, flagellum length 0.37 mm, width 0.14 mm, length/width 2.6, flagellum/scape length 0.8. Parafacial pruinescence whitish gray, dense, black dorsolaterally; setae black, elongate dorsally. Maxillary palpus cylindrical, apex pointed; yellow, pruinescence white; length 0.50 mm, length/width 6.3; setae black, elongate intermixed with white, elongate setae. Genal setae black, elongate with anterodorsal patch of black, elongate setae (absent on other males). Occiput convex, pruinescence white, setae black, elongate intermixed with white setae over dorsal surface; macrosetae dark brown, scattered. Postocular macrosetae black, in single row.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 2 dc, 2 sc. Mesonotum dark reddish brown, pruinescence brownish gray, vittae indistinct; setae black, erect, elongate intermixed with white, appressed setae along lateral and anterior margins. Postpronotal lobe concolorous with mesonotum; setae black, elongate intermixed with white setae. Cervical sclerite setae white, present on lateral third. Prosternal setae white, elongate. Pleuron pruinescence gray, dense; setae white, elongate intermixed with black setae on propleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum, laterotergite, and scutellum, white on metanepisternum; absent on proepimeron, anepimeron, meron, and metakatepisternum. Wing. Membrane opaque, pale brown; veins brown; length 6.4 mm, length/width 3.2; pterostigma indistinct; setulae absent on R 1; M 1, M 2, and M 3 originate separately from apex of dc; cell cup closed, petiolate; cell m 3 closed, petiolate; anal angle broadly rounded; alula rounded. Halter knob brown. Legs. Coxa dark reddish brown, pruinescence white, dense; setae white, elongate intermixed with black setae on forecoxa; setae present on posterior half of middle coxa; hind coxa with anterior papillate knob; apical macrosetae dark reddish brown; one lateral macrosetae on hindcoxa. Femora dark reddish brown, pruinescence white; ventral setae black on fore­ and midfemora intermixed with white setae, white on hindcoxa, lanceolate, appressed setae dorsally; av 1:1:4, pv 0:0:2. Tibiae dark yellow. Tarsomere 1 dark yellow; 2–5 dark yellowish brown.

Abdomen. Cuticle dark reddish brown, pruinescence white; dorsal setae white, erect intermixed with black setae on tergite 1, white, appressed on tergites 2–8; lateral setae white, erect. Terminalia (MEI 147396). Dark brown. Tergite 8 (Fig. 1) bilobed, anterior margin broadly emarginate, posterior margin deeply emarginate; median length short (0.02 mm); setae dark brown. Sternite 8 (Fig. 3) quadrate, anterior margin truncate, sides rounded; posterior margin slightly emarginate; setae dark yellow across posterior margin. Epandrium (Fig. 1) quadrate, broad basally, tapering apically; shorter medially than wide; anterior margin moderately emarginate; posterolateral margin broadly pointed; lateral view (Fig. 2) oval, apex broadly pointed; setae dark yellow. Cercus (Fig. 1) free, oblong, sides parallel, apex rounded, ending distal to posterolateral margin of epandrium, ending slightly distal to apex of hypoproct. Hypoproct (Fig. 1) quadrate, ending distal to posterolateral margin of epandrium, apicoventral area flat, posterior margin rounded, ending slightly basal to apex of cercus. Hypandrium reduced, dark brown. Gonocoxite ventral view (Fig. 3) separated medially, quadrate, rounded laterally, posterior margin rounded, setae dark yellow with 1 posterolateral, dark reddish brown macroseta, inner gonocoxal process elongate, clavate, extending beyond posterior margin of gonocoxite, yellow, setae dark yellow; dorsal view (Fig. 4), gonocoxal apodeme short, not extending beyond anterior margin of gonocoxite, gonocoxal bridge absent; ventral lobe large, flattened laterally; lateral view (Fig. 5), oval, posterior margin broadly pointed; ventral lobe (Fig. 3) with ventral spines. Gonostylus (Fig. 4) narrow, dorsal surface with large, sinuate, laterally compressed flange, ventral surface with lateral projection bearing single seta (Fig. 3). Aedeagus with dorsal apodeme (Fig. 6) broad, sides diverging anteriorly, anterior margin deeply emarginate; ventral apodeme (Fig. 7) thick, tapered anteriorly to point, reaching anterior margin of dorsal apodeme; distiphallus lateral view (Fig. 8) broad basally, sinuate, apicolateral spines short, coarse; ejaculatory apodeme (Fig. 6) with posterior half slightly bulbous posteriorly, anterior half cylindrical, extending slightly beyond anterior margin of dorsal apodeme, anterior margin rounded.

Morphometric variation. (n=4).

Body length 6.8–7.5, 7.2 mm.

Head. Length 0.82–0.96, 0.90 mm. Antenna/head length 0.91–0.97, 0.94; scape length 0.36–0.46, 0.39 mm, width 0.16–0.22, 0.19 mm, length/width 1.7–2.4, 2.0, scape/pedicle length 3.8–4.8, 4.4, scape/flagellum width 1.5–1.7, 1.6; pedicel length 0.08–0.10, 0.09 mm, length/width 0.6–0.7, 0.7; flagellum length 0.36–0.38, 0.37 mm, width 0.11–0.14, 0.12 mm, length/width 2.6–3.5, 3.1, flagellum/scape length 0.8–1.1, 1.0. Maxillary palpus length 0.44–0.50, 0.47 mm, length/width 5.5–8.0, 6.4.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 2 dc, 2 sc. Wing. Length 6.2–6.4, 6.3 mm, length/ width 2.7–3.2, 2.9. Legs. Anteroventral macrosetae 1:1:3–5, pv 0:0:2.


Similar to male except for following.

Morphometric variation (n=1).

Body length 8.2 mm.

Head. Length 0.86 mm. Frons large, pruinescence brownish gray, dense, whitish gray ventrally; setae dark brown, elongate, extending lateral to antennal base. Antenna/head length 1.0; scape length 0.40 mm, width 0.18 mm, length/width 2.2, scape/pedicel length 5.0, scape/flagellum width 1.5; pedicel length 0.08 mm, length/width 0.7; flagellum length 0.40 mm, width 0.12 mm, length/width 3.3, flagellum/scape length 1.0. Maxillary palpus length 0.42 mm, length/width 5.3.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 2 dc, 2 sc. Wing. Length 6.7 mm, length/width 2.7. Legs. Anteroventral macrosetae 1:1:4, pv 0:0:3.

Abdomen. Dark reddish brown, posterior third of tergites 2–4 orange brown, pruinescence gray, dense over all tergites; dorsal and lateral setae white, elongate, appressed. Terminalia (MEI 083810). Furca (Fig. 9) with anterior and posterior margins closed, lacking anteromedial, posteromedial, and anterolateral projections; length 0.42 mm, width 0.34 mm; posterolateral projections short. Common spermathecal duct (Fig. 9) as long as furca. Spermathecal duct (Fig. 9), directed anteriorly, posterior third expanded, crenulate before becoming thread­like and ending in large, spherical spermatheca. Spermathecal sac (Fig. 9) elongate, expanded anteriorly.

Immature stages. Unknown.

Habitats and Temporal Phenology. Adults of Amplisegmentum ecuadorensis have been collected in March and June at elevations from 1650–2300 meters.

Distribution. Amplisegmentum ecuadorensis has been collected only in Ecuador.

Specimens examined. Type specimen. The holotype male of Amplisegmentum ecuadorensis Webb is labeled "Bolivar, Chota R., Carchi, ECUADOR, elev. 2000m., 10.VI.65, L. Pena" [MEI 083805] and is deposited in the CNC. PARATYPES. ECUADOR. Carchi. Rio Chota, Bolivar, [­0.5, ­77.883], 2000 m, 10.VI.1965, Peña, L., 1 male MEI 083805 (CNC). Pichincha. 10 km N. Quito, Mitad del Mundo [­0.127, ­78.5], 14.III.1973, Deyrup, M., Deyrup, N., 1 male MEI 147524, 1 female 147396 (UCR); 2 km W Cayambe [­0.04, ­78.178], 2300 m, 7.VI.1965, Peña, L., 1 male MEI 083810 (CNC); Guaillabamba [­0.2333, ­78.5], 1650, 6–7.VI.1965, Peña, L., 2 males MEI 083817 (MEIC), 083818 (INHS).


Published as part of Webb, Donald W., 2005, New Genera of Neotropical Therevidae (Insecta: Diptera), pp. 1-26 in Zootaxa 1091 (1) on pages 4-7, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.1091.1.1,


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Collection code
Event date
Material sample ID
MEI 083805 , MEI 083810 , MEI 083817 , MEI 147524
Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Amplisegmentum ecuadorensis Webb, 2005