Published June 30, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Use Cases Definition and Pilot Overview Document v3




This document presents the SPHINX use cases that specifically address users' requirements and expectations on the use of new and advanced cybersecurity tools and services for the benefit of healthcare organisations and their patients. In particular, this document provides an overview and the main outcomes of the work performed by the SPHINX Consortium on the SPHINX use cases, as part of Task 2.4 – Reference Scenarios and Pilot Operations Specifications and KPIs for a period of six months (month 25 or January 2021 and month 30 or June 2021).

Based on a compound framework of critical assets, threat taxonomy and actors, attack vectors and impact, this document updates the previous two volumes with six new use cases (use cases 22 to 27) that enrich the set of SPHINX use cases forming a basis for the three SPHINX pilots, while assisting with the consolidation of the SPHINX user requirements and technical specifications (WP2), with the development and integration effort (WPs 3 to 6) and with the SPHINX testing and validation effort (WP7). Overall, the SPHINX use cases are intended to highlight the greatest possible breadth of the SPHINX’s capabilities, whilst remaining realistic and testable in realistic conditions. They also seek, where possible, to address potential risks and limitations of the SPHINX System and its usage.


SPHINX D2.9 - Use Cases Definition and Requirements Document v3_v1.00.pdf

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European Commission
SPHINX – A Universal Cyber Security Toolkit for Health-Care Industry 826183