Senotainia conica
Tachina conica Fallén, 1810: 267.
Senotainia conica: Charykuliev and Myartzeva 1964: 84 (habits); Dunk 1995: 42 (habits); Else and Field 1997: 1 (habits); Fan 1992: 587 (in key); Fan and Pape 1996: 242 (faunistics); Gorobchishin 2005: 50 (habits); 2006: 116, 119, 130, 142, 144 (habits), Grandi 1961: 221 (habits); Hellqvist and Engelmark 2013: 19 (faunistics); Kara and Pape 2002: 292 (faunistics); KoÇak and Kemal 2009: 53; Latter 1920: 614 (habits); O’Toole 1978: 161, 163 (habits); Pape 1987: 41 (review); 1996: 136 (catalogue); Peeters 2008: 42 (habits); Piwczyński et al. 2017: 53, 57 (cladograms); Povolný and Verves 1997: 61 (redescription et review); Rohdendorf 1935: 84 (redescription); 1970: 633 (in key); Rohdendorf and Verves 1980: 451 (faunistics); Séguy 1941: 281 (review); Srba 2010: 25 (habits); Szpila 2010: 58 (morphology of 1st instar larva); Szujecki 2012: 272 (imaginal feeding); Venturi 1960: 69 (morphology, faunistics); Verves 1980: 922 (faunistics); 1986: 64 (catalogue); 1990: 527 (in key); 1998: 50 (faunistics); Verves et al. 2018: 97 (in list); Verves and Gorobchyshin 1995: 54 (habits); Verves and Khrokalo 2006: 80 (in key); 2014: 5 (habits, faunistics); 2018 (Suppl): 19 (faunistics); Xue et al. 2015: 450 (in list); Zerova et al. 2006: 93 (in key).
Material examined
Israel: Mt. Hermon (1600–2000 m), Meron, Zefat, 30.05–8.08, 1965–1992, 12 ♂, 3 ♀ (A. Freidberg, F. Kaplan) (TAU). Turkey: Ankara, Eskesehir Kaymaz (800 m), Kastamonu area, 27.07.1962 (Guichard et Harvey) 3 ♂, 12 ♀ (NHMUK).
Middle East: Israel *, Turkey. This species is widely distributed in Palaearctic, from British Isles to Far East.
Flies are distributed in almost all types of grasslands: from sandy alluvial areas to different types of meadows, grass-plots and outskirts, but prefer mesophitic conditions. Adult flies visit flowers and have been seen feeding on aphids’ excreta. Larvae are inquilines (kleptoparasites) of nests of sphecids: Ammophila sabulosa (Linnaeus, 1758), Argogorytes fargeii (Shuckard, 1837), Bembecinus tridens (Fabricius, 1781), Bembix integra Panzer, 1801, B. rostrata (Linnaeus, 1758), B. tarsata Latereille, 1809, Crabro peltarius (Schreber, 1784), C. scutellatus (Scheven, 1781), Mellinus arvensis (Linnaeus, 1758), Oxybelus bipunctatus Olivier, 1812, O. uniglumis (Linnaeus, 1758), Philanthus triangulum, Prionyx kirbyi (Vander Linden, 1827), Tachysphex nitidus (Spinola, 1805), T. unicolour (Panzer, 1806) and apids: Halictus subauratus (Rossi, 1792), Lasioglossum lucidulum (Schenck, 1861).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Family
- Sarcophagidae
- Genus
- Senotainia
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Diptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Fallen
- Species
- conica
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Senotainia conica (Fallen, 1810) sec. Verves & Khrokalo, 2021
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- Pape T. 1987. The Sarcophagidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomol Scand. 19: 1 - 203.
- Peeters T. 2008. De harkwesp Bembix rostrata. Een literatuurstudie. Ned Entomol Ver Nieuwsbr Sect Hymen. (28): 40 - 44.
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- Rohdendorf BB, Verves Y. 1980. On the fauna of Sarcophagidae (Diptera) of the Mongolian People's Republic. III. Miltogrammatinae. Ins Mong. 7: 445 - 518.
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