Published October 22, 2019 | Version v1
Report Open

XLS - D3.2: Review report on bunch compression techniques and phase space linearization


Project leader:

  • 1. Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
  • 2. CERN


This document describes with analytical and numerical methods, i.e., approximated mathematical expressions and particle tracking runs, the process of bunch length compression of relativistic electron beams in linear accelerators. In particular, it reviews state-of-the-art compression options, based on magnetic insertions and radio-frequency (RF) accelerators, for the increase of peak current and preservation of the six-dimensional beam brightness as requested by x-ray freeelectron lasers (FELs). After a theoretical introduction to the topic, guidelines for the determination of the compression scheme for the CompactLight FEL are provided, by considering for example RF compression in combination with four dipoles chicanes. The study considers single particle dynamics, tolerance budget and collective effects involved in the compression process. On the basis of FEL specifications, the main parameters of the electron beam and of the compressors in the CompactLight accelerator are illustrated. Finally, a preliminary RF design of X-band and Ka-band accelerating cavities to support magnetic compression is presented. As a result, this review of most advanced electron beam compression schemes provides a solid basis for the definition of the beam manipulation aimed to meet the requirements of CompactLight FEL.


On behalf of the CompactLight Collaboration.



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European Commission
XLS – CompactLight 777431