Published June 23, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Public Image in the Management of Education Institutions

  • 1. Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
  • 2. UIN Imam Bonjol, Padang, Indonesia.


Conceptually, imaging is a deep impression of a process captured and felt by the five human senses. An institution that is imaged as educational institution, which has good image quality and is functional,  has implications for its existence. An image that is well-managed and functional can increase the quality and view of the public after it has fallen out of favour due to internal and external factors. The current study was conducted at an early childhood education institution (PAUD) Citra Al Madina. It is an educational institution which is less attractive due to external factors. Public imaging carried out by this institution through various imaging media has proven to be functional to raise the prestige of the educational institution. Public imaging derived from the values that serve as guidelines and benchmarks is then carried out in the form of intensive and consistent publications, which can reshape public opinion about the existence of a quality institution.


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