Comparative analysis of the constitutional status of indigenous peoples of Brazil, Canada and India
There are now more than 5,000 ethnic and 2,500 language groups in the world, while there
are virtually no monoethnic states left. Almost all states have interethnic problems, which
determines the severity of the problem and its relevance. The relevance of the topic is: 1) to gain
experience of Brazil, Canada, India in solving the problem of the constitutional status of indigenous
peoples; 2) in emphasizing the need to provide them not only with language rights, but also with an
appropriate level of well-being; 3) in the ability to help stabilize the domestic political situation in
Ukraine and strengthen relations with neighboring countries and the European Union.
The purpose of the article – an attempt to conduct a comparative analysis of the
constitutional status of the indigenous peoples of Brazil, Canada and India on the basis of studying
the relevant provisions of the Constitutions, special international documents, scientific papers. The
Conventions of the United Nations and the International Labor Organization of 1957, 1982, 1989
«On protection and integration of indigenous and other peoples leading tribal and semi-tribal
lifestyles in independent countries», «On indigenous peoples and peoples leading tribal way of life
in independent countries» were considered and analyzed. An analysis of the Constitutions and
Constitutional Acts of Brazil, Canada and India, which reflect the reaction of these states to these
Conventions, was also conducted. There are similar and distinctive features in the formation of the
constitutional status of the studied ethnic groups. Similar features: centuries-old cruel treatment of
the colonizers, the corresponding influence of international documents on the design of the
constitutional status, the introduction of their requirements into the constitutions. Distinctive
features: different attitude of the colonizers to the aborigines – expulsion and destruction in Brazil,
enslavement, forced assimilation in Canada, the fight against tribes living in the mountains, forests
and theft, robbery in India; different deadlines for the adoption of acts protecting the rights of
indigenous backgammon.
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