Published August 28, 2019
| Version v1
Data from: Spatio-temporal effects of logging and fire on tall, wet temperate eucalypt forest birds
Forests globally are subject to multiple disturbances such as logging and fire that create complex temporal variation in spatial patterns of forest cover and stand age. However, investigations that quantify temporal changes in biodiversity in response to multiple forms of disturbance in space and time are relatively uncommon. Over a 10-year period, we investigated the response of bird species to spatio-temporal changes in cover associated with logging and wildfire in the Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans) forests of south-eastern Australia. Specifically, we examined how bird occurrence changed with shifts in the proportion of area burnt or logged in a 4.5km radius surrounding each of 87 field survey sites. Overall species richness was greatest in older forest patches. Bird species richness declined as the amount of fire around each site increased. At the individual species level, most species were more likely to be found in old growth than younger forest. Twenty-five of 36 bird species we modeled, exhibited a negative response to the amount of fire in the surrounding landscape (while two species responded positively to fire). Only nine species exhibited signs of post-fire recovery. Ten species were more likely to be recorded as the proportion of logged forest surrounding a site increased, suggesting a possible "concentration effect" with displaced birds moving into unlogged areas following harvesting of adjacent areas. In contrast to predictions from the disturbance-congruence hypothesis, no bird species exhibited similar responses to fire and logging in the landscape surrounding our sites. Similarly, no bird life history traits were associated with burned or logged forest, although insectivorous birds were more likely to be found in old growth forests and increased over time. Birds in Mountain Ash forests are strongly associated with old growth stands and exhibit complex, time-dependent and species-specific responses to landscape disturbance. Despite logging and fire both being high-severity perturbations, species responses to one kind of landscape-scale disturbance are not readily predictable based on an understanding of the responses to another kind of (albeit superficially similar) disturbance.