Published January 1, 2021 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Scripts and data for "The adequacy of time-series reduction for renewable energy systems"

  • 1. TU Berlin


This upload provides the scripts and data used for the computations in the aforementioned working paper. To run these files, you will need to adjust the directory in the files 'testTimeSeries.jl' and 'calli.bat' to your local directory.

The subfolder 'reduceTimeSeries' contains all data and the script 'reduceTimeSeries.jl' to reduce the full time-series. Reduction using the 'Gerbaulet' method unfortunately requires a GAMS installation. The results of the reduction are already provided in the folder 'output'.

The subfolder 'testTimeSeries' contains all data and the script 'testTimeSeries.jl' to test the reduced time-series with a capacity expansion model. The 'comment' and ‘source’ columns in the AnyMOD.jl input files provide further documentation on the used input parameters. The labels 'lowDem' and 'newDem' relate to what was referred to conventional demand and demand with sector integration in the paper, respectively.


Files have been updated for the revised version of the paper including two different climatic years and an evaluation of solve time.


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European Commission
OSMOSE – Optimal System-Mix Of flexibility Solutions for European electricity 773406