Published November 1, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Influence of Biology Learning Using Concept Attainment Model on Student's Cognitive Learning Achievement

  • 1. Sebelas Maret University


This research aimed to find out the difference of cognitive learning
achievement between students taught with Concept Attainment Model and
those taught with Discovery Learning model. This study was a quasi experimental research.
The population of research was the 12th Science  graders of SMAN 1 Karas of Magetan Regency
in school year of 2016/2017. The sample was taken using cluster random sampling technique, consisting
of two grades: the 12 th Science 4 grade as the first experiment class using 
Concept Attainment Model and the 12 th Science 3 grade as the second 
experiment class using Discovery Learning model. Technique of collecting
data used was t-test technique for data of students’ cognitive learning
outcome. Data analysis was carried out using unpaired two-sample variance
analysis. The result of research showed there was a difference of cognitive
learning outcome between the students treated with learning using Concept
Attainment Model and those treated with learning using Discovery Learning.
The cognitive learning achievement of students taught with Concept
Attainment Model was higher than that of those taught with Discovery


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