Published May 31, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Anagyrus borrianensis Soler, Falco & Aquino. The 2021, sp. nov.

  • 1. Bayer CropScience. Av. Baix Llobregat 3 - 5. 08970 Sant Joan Despi (Barcelona). & Collaborator, Instituto Agroforestal Mediterráneo (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia), and Instituto Valenciano Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)
  • 2. Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva. Universitat de València. C / Catedrático José Beltrán, 2. 46980 Paterna (València). Spain.
  • 3. Instituto Agroforestal Mediterráneo. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Camino de Vera, 14. 46022 Valencia. Spain.
  • 4. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores (CONICET - UNLP). Boulevard 120 s / n, e / 61 y 62, B 1902 CHX, La Plata, Buenos Aires. Argentina.


Anagyrus borrianensis Soler, Falcó & Aquino, sp. nov.

Figs. 14–23

Type material. HOLOTYPE [female ENV]. Spain, Comunidad Valenciana, province Castelló, town Borriol, parcel Benadressa, lat. 40°2’7.09” N & long. 0°7’51.05” W, leg.: J.Mª. Soler, viii.2017 ex Pseudococcus viburni, on ‘Clemenules’ clementine mandarin (Citrus reticulata). PARATYPES: Spain, País Valenciano, province Castelló, town Burriana, parcel Vinarragell, lat. 39°55’21.72” N & long. 0° 2’ 44.20” W, leg.: J.Mª. Soler, vii.2015 [12 females ENV] and viii.2015 [7 females ENV], ex Pseudococcus viburni, on ‘ Nadorcott’ clementine mandarin (tangor, or mandarin–sweet orange hybrid); Spain, País Valenciano, province Castelló, town Borriol, parcel Benadressa, lat. 40°2’7.09” N & long. 0°7’51.05” W, leg.: J.Mª. Soler, viii.2015 [5 female NHM] and [6 female NHM] xii.2015 - vi.2016, ex Pseudococcus viburni, on ‘Clemenules’ clementine mandarin (Citrus reticulata). Spain, País Valenciano, province Castelló, town Borriol, parcel Benadressa, lat. 40°2’7.09” N & long. 0°7’51.05” W, leg.: J.Mª. Soler, viiviii.2017 [10 females, 2 males, ENV], ex Pseudococcus viburni, on ‘Clemenules’ clementine mandarin (Citrus reticulata). Spain, País Valenciano, province Valencia, town Guadassuar, lat. 39°10’ 44.92” N & long. 0°28’22.39” W, leg.: B. Herrero and J.Mª. Soler, 29.ix.2016, ex Pseudococcus viburni collected 16.ix.2016, [8 females, 3 males, ENV], on persimmon (Diospyros kaki). Spain, País Valenciano, province Valencia, town Godelleta, lat. 39°25’50.91” N & long. 0°42’41.82” W, leg.: B. Herrero and J.Mª. Soler, 29.ix.2016, [12 females, 2 males, ENV], ex Pseudococcus viburni collected 16.ix.2016, on persimmon (Diospyros kaki).

Diagnosis and Description. FEMALE (Holotype) (Figs. 14–18).

Color. Non-metallic (Fig. 14) Head (Fig. 15) completely black, the eye darkly reddish, the mesosoma yelloworange overall, including the mesoscutum, scutellum, axillae and mesopleuron, except for the pronotum, which is completely black (Fig. 17), and part of the propodeum, which is brown; the gaster is brownish (Fig. 17). Antenna (Fig. 15): radicle black, scape broad foliaceous with base and apical area white, rest black; pedicel completely black except apex orange-white; F1 to F4 black, F5 basal 2/3 (90 µm) black and apically white (50 µm), F6 and clava completely white. Legs, including coxae, entirely white-yellow except for dark tarsus.

Sculpture. Head, especially frontovertex, mesoscutum, scutellum axilla, mesopleuron, propodeum, and gaster with fine but conspicuous rugose reticulate sculpture.

Pubescence. Eyes pilose, frontovertex and mesosoma with short and inconspicuous setae, except for a few long black setae in the scutellum, gradually longer towards the apex.

Head as wide as high, with middle part of frontovertex wider than the eyes. Large, oval and pilose eyes. Ocelli arranged in an isosceles triangle, POL approximately 2.4x OOL. Toruli around the lower margin of the eye and outline of the mouth. Antenna 0.97x as long as the body, scape flat, foliaceous, 2.0x as long as wide; pedicel thin and short and 2.2x long as wide, shorter than flagellomere F1; funicle 6 segmented, all longer than wide; decreasing in length progressively to clava; clava 3-segmented, 4.0x long as wide and approximately as long as F5+F6 (Fig. 15). Mandible bidentate.

Mesosoma (Fig. 17). Mesoscutum 1.65x wider than long; scutellum in flat right-angled triangle, acute margins, including scutellar apex.

Wings (Fig. 16). Completely hyaline, large and developed, extending beyond gastral apex. Fore wing 2.40x as long as wide, hind wing 4.0x as long as wide. Marginal vein short, longer than wide and slightly longer than postmarginal vein. Stigmal vein long, a little shorter than marginal and postmarginal veins combined. Speculum interrupted by 3–4 rows of setae.

Legs. Mesotibial spur significantly shorter than mesobasitarsus.

Metasoma. Gaster 1.2x longer than mesosoma, apex acute. Very long ovipositor (Fig. 18), 1.08x mid tibia length, occupying slightly more 80% of the length of the gaster, slightly exserted. The exserted part of ovipositor 0.55x as long as mid tibial spur in microscopic preparation, but about 0.2x in dry mounted specimens. Hypopygium reaches the gaster apex.

Measurements (µm), female. Body length 1840. Head length:width:height 192:610:600; eye 380:240, POL 120, AOL 80, OOL 50, anterior ocellus to eye margin 80. Head width to minimum width of the frontovertex 610:230, i.e. 2.65x. Antenna: toruli separated 110; radicle 90; scape 370:180; pedicel 130:60; flagellum 1210; funicle 930; F1 180, F2 170, F3 160, F4 150, F5 140, F6 130; clava 280:70, a little longer than combined length of F5-F6. Mesosoma 748, pronotum height 75, mesoscutum 290:480, scutellum base 350, height 330, longest scutellum seta 120. Fore wing 1660:690; 2.4x as long as wide; submarginal vein 680, 5.2x longer than marginal+postmarginal; marginal vein 80; postmarginal vein 50; marginal+postmarginal combined 1.1x as long as marginal, stigmal vein 120; longest marginal seta 30; longest seta of the submnarginal vein 70; wing disc seta 40. Hind wing 1130:280; 4.0x as long as wide, longest marginal seta 40. Legs with mesotibia 730, mesofemur 690, mesotibial spur 200, and mesobasitarsus 510. Metasoma 900:480. Ovipositor 790.

MALE (Paratype) (Figs. 19–23).

Color. Non-metallic (Fig. 19). Less color variability than in females. Head dark, eye darkly reddish, same dark brown color in pronotum, mesoscutum, scutellum, axillae and gaster; mesopleurum orange-tinged. Antenna radicle and scape whitish gray-transparent except the base whitish; pedicel dark, flagellum gray transparent (Fig. 20). Legs yellowish-white except dark tarsus.

Sculpture. Fine but conspicuous rugose reticulate sculpture.

Pubescence. Eyes pilose, frontovertex and mesosoma with short and inconspicuous setae, except for a few long black setae in the scutellum, gradually longer towards the apex.

Head. Large, oval and pilose eyes. Mandible bidentate. Toruli around the lower margin of the eye and outline of the mouth. Antenna long (Fig. 20), not very flat scape 2.6x as long as wide; pedicel shorter, as long as wide and shorter than F1; all 6 funicular segments longer than wide, equal in length except F1 slightly shorter; clava entire, 4.6x as long as wide and approximately as long as F5–F6; all with numerous long setae. Scale-like sensilla in the form of a spatula with three lobes at the apex disposed along a line of 4–5 (usually 4) on F6 and along a line of 2–3 (usually 3) on the base of clava (Fig. 21).

Mesosoma. Mesoscutum 1.75x wider than long; scutellum in flat nearly right-angled triangle, acute margins, including scutellar apex.

Wings (Fig. 22). Hyaline, extending beyond the gastral apex. Fore wing 2.0x as long as wide; hind wing 3.50x. Marginal vein short, longer than wide and slightly shorter than postmarginal vein; stigmal vein long, longer than marginal and postmarginal veins combined. Speculum interrupted by 3–4 rows of setae.

Legs. Mesotibial spur slightly shorter than mesobasitarsus.

Metasoma. Gaster short, shorter than mesosoma, in right-angled triangle. The genitalia (Fig. 23) occupies slightly more than two thirds length of the gaster, slightly exerted, exceeding its total length by slightly over 20%.

Measurements (µm), male. Observed dry, air-dried and through hexamethyldisilazene (HMDS) technique. Body 750; head length 290, height 250; eye 170:120; Antenna: toruli separated 80; radicle 30; scape 130:50; pedicel 40:40; flagellum 580; funicle 440; F1 60, F2 80, F3 70, F4 80, F5 80, F6 70; setae flagellar segment length 50; clava 140:30. Mesosoma 370, pronotum height 40, mesoscutum height 170 and width 300, scutellum base 160, height 180. Fore wing 810:400; submarginal vein 360; marginal vein 20:10; postmarginal vein 30; stigmal vein 60; longest marginal seta 20. Hind wing 530:150. Legs with mesotibial length 350, mesofemur 310, tibial spur 100, tarsus 250, mesobasitarsus 120. Metasoma 360:350; genitalia (aedeagus) length 230, exceeds gaster by 50.

Variation. Female paratypes: body size very variable, length between 1070 and 1910 µm (n=10) (using hexamethyldisilazene, HMDS- dry-mounted specimens).

Host. Species reared from the obscure mealybug Pseudococcus viburni.

Etymology. Specimens of Anagyrus borrianensis were collected for the first time at a citrus area named “Vinarragell” in the municipal territory of Borriana (province of Castellón; Valencian Country; Spain). Vinarragell was an important Iberian settlement around the 8th century BC. In addition, populations of A. borrianensis are much more abundant at this site from Borriana than in other localities where the new species has been collected. Lastly, a significant part of the economy of the municipality of Borriana revolves around the citrus crop.


Published as part of Soler, José María, Falcó-Garí, José Vicente, Herrero, Berta & Aquino, Daniel Alejandro, 2021, The Anagyrus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) parasitoids of the obscure mealybug Pseudococcus viburni (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Spain, with description of a new species, pp. 83-98 in Zootaxa 4980 (1) on pages 89-92, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.1.5,


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Scientific name authorship
Soler, Falco & Aquino. The
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Anagyrus borrianensis Soler & Aquino, 2021