Published August 1, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Influence of Principal Leadership Style and Teacher Work Motivation on the Performance of Certified Teachers at SMA Negeri Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

  • 1. Universitas Negeri Manado


The purpose of this study is to analyse and interpret the influence of principal
leadership style on the performance of certified teachers, the influence of
teacher work motivation on the performance of certified teachers and the
influence of principal leadership style and teacher work motivation
simultaneously on the performance of certified teachers in SMA Negeri
Kotamobagu. This study employs a quantitative study approach with survey
methods and multiple regression analysis techniques. The independent
variables are principal leadership style (X1) and teacher motivation (X2) and
the dependent variable is certified teachers performance (Y). Result of the
research shows that the principal leadership style has an effect on the
performance of certified teachers, teacher work motivation has an effect on
the performance of certified teachers, principal leadership style and teacher
work motivation simultaneously affects the performance of certified teachers
in SMA Negeri Kotamobagu. The values of the regression coefficients show
the influence of each principal leadership style and teacher work motivation
on the performance of certified teachers and have a high contribution to the
performance of certified teachers. The principal must have the readiness and
ability to mobilize the teachers to achieve the goals and be responsible for the
organization of educational activities at school. Teachers should be tenacious
and skilful at conducting quality learning activities. Schools should have
appropriate functions to educational goals and implement effective and
efficient organizational management, high social responsiveness, and are
sensitive to: teachers, students and the surrounding community. 


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