Published May 31, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Characteristics of structural components, criteria and indicators, levels of formation of value-semantic experience of future specialists in foreign philology

  • 1. Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskyj


Changing axiological guidelines is a fundamental topic for higher education. In particular, the modern professional training of future foreign philologists cannot ignore the need to turn to axiological discourse. The need for special attention to axiological issues in the context of professional training of specialists of the relevant profile led to the definition of pedagogical conditions for the formation of value-semantic experience of these specialists. The implementation of such pedagogical conditions is ensured, including by the evaluation of the achieved results. The latter determines the research interest in the elements of diagnosis - components, criteria, indicators and levels of their implementation.

The purpose of the research is to practically define and substantiate the components of the formation of value-semantic experience, the criteria, corresponding to them, the indicators characteristic of the criteria and the levels of their manifestation are determined. Achieving this goal involves (1) determining these elements of the diagnosis of the formation of a certain competence (or desired quality) and (2) their practical justification.

The generalized research experience shows that the diagnosis of the formation of certain competencies (individual qualities) is usually accompanied by the selection of components of cognitive, motivational (value-motivational), operational-activity (functional-activity) and organizational. Taking into account the practice of applying the competence approach to determine the criteria in the work, the criteria of formation of value-semantic experience of future specialists in foreign philology are applied: cognitive, value-motivational, operational-activity, organizational with corresponding indicators, as well as certain levels of their manifestation.

The researched and substantiated elements of diagnosis open the way to practical modeling of the structural and semantic model of the process of formation of value-semantic experience of future specialists in foreign philology


Characteristics of structural components, criteria and indicators, levels of formation of value-semantic experience of future specialists in foreign philology.pdf

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