Published June 10, 2021 | Version v1
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Black Listed: An Outlines of Theory of Relativity

  • 1. Mental Asylum of Education


In Honor To Sir Arthur S. Eddington, who first prove the bending of light rays due to mass
and gravity thus, conforming one of the predictions of Theory of Relativity, and author is 
not updated about it’s state and trend in researches.
Since Sir A.S. Eddington, verified one of the predictions of Relativity, author thought to 
researches in experimental practices. read Eddington’s book itself, as it would provide the views 
of the person, who did such an tremendous work, though other authors too have provided their 
deep insights and understanding of Relativity.
But author guesses, it was Sir A.S. Eddington, who paved the way for further research more 


It is like as lecture notes, and is the way, how I do read any book, and the book discussed in this manuscript is legendery book, "Space, Time and Gravitation" written by Sir Arthur Eddington, and became legendary, due to successful observation of Ecplise.


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