Published March 13, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Gripopteryx pinima Froehlich 1993

  • 1. Laboratório de Entomologia Aquática, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Rua Barão de Geremoabo, 147, Campus Ondina, CEP 40170 - 290, Salvador, BA, Brazil. E-mail: dutacio @ gmail. com, acalor @ gmail. com
  • 2. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso Campus Juína Linha J, s / n, Setor Chácara, Zona Rural, CEP 78320 - 000, Juína, MT, Brazil. E-mail: lucaslecci @ gmail. com


Gripopteryx pinima Froehlich 1993

Gripopteryx pinima Froehlich 1993: 29.

Gripopteryx pinima — Froehlich 2010a: 133.

Gripopteryx pinima — Lecci & Froehlich 2011: 10–11.

Gripopteryx pinima — Bispo & Lecci 2011: 376.

Material examined. BRAZIL, Bahia: Camacan, Serra Bonita, 15°23'02"S, 39°34'10"W, 29.x.2008, light pan trap, ARC, RM and SM, 1 male; same data, except for: 15°23'28"S, 39°33'56"W, x.2008, Malaise trap, ARC, LSL, LCP and RAM, 2 males; same data, except for: Trilha Bapeba, 4.xi.2009, light, ARC, LSL, LCP and FBQ, 1 male; same data, except for: 15°23'03"S, 39°34'00.1"W, xi.2009, Malaise trap, ARC, LSL, LCP and RAM, 4 females; same data, except for: xii.2009, Malaise trap, ARC, LSL, LCP and RAM, 1 females; same data, except for: vi.2011, Malaise trap, ARC, LSL, LCP and RAM, 1 female; same data, except for: vii.2011, Malaise trap, ARC, LSL, LCP and RAM, 1 female; same data, except for: ix.2011, Malaise trap, ARC, LSL, LCP and RAM, 3 females; same data, except for: 15°23'39.5"S, 39°33'44.3"W, 01.iv.2011, light trap, FBQ, DF and HB, 1 female; same data, except for: 15°23'9.1"S, 39°34'3.1"W, 27.xi.2011, light pan trap, FBQ, ESD and TD, 3 males, 2 females; same data, except for: 15°23'27.7"S, 39°33'55.5"W, 25.xi.2011, light pan trap, FBQ, RM, ESD, TD and VS, 1 female; same data, except for: 15°23'26.4"S, 39°33'47.6"W, 30.iii.2011, light trap, FBQ, DF and HB, 1 male; same data, except for: 15°23'36.1"S, 39°33'52.7"W, 25.xi.2011, light pan trap, FBQ, RM, ESD, TD and VS, 1 female.

Distribution. Brazil (BA, SP)

Remarks. Gripopteryx pinima has been recorded from Serra Bonita Reserve (Lecci & Froehlich 2011) and São Paulo (Froehlich 1993).


Published as part of Duarte, Tácio, Lecci, Lucas S. & Calor, Adolfo R., 2014, Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) from Serra Bonita, Bahia, Brazil: New species and updated records, pp. 81-92 in Zootaxa 3779 (1) on pages 84-85, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3779.1.9,


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  • Froehlich, C. G. (1993) Brazilian Plecoptera 7. Old and new species of Gripopteryx (Gripopterygidae). Aquatic Insects, 15, 21 - 28. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 01650429309361496
  • Froehlich, C. G. (2010 a) Catalogue of Neotropical Plecoptera. Illiesia, 6, 118 - 205.
  • Lecci, L. S. & Froehlich, C. G. (2011) Taxonomic revision of Gripopteryx (Pictet, 1841) (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae). Zootaxa, 2792, 1 - 21.
  • Bispo, P. C. & Lecci, L. S. (2011) Gripopterygidae (Plecoptera) from Paranapiacaba mountains, southeastern Brazil. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology, 47, 373 - 385. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1051 / limn / 2011052