Synclisis baetica
Synclisis baetica (Rambur, 1842)
(Figs. 2F, 25)
The remarkable larva of this species has a surprisingly long history of misidentifications with A. occitanica (Dufour 1854; Ferrari 1864; Girard 1875; Dubois 1899) and even with Palpares (McLachlan 1873; Navás 1923). The first description with correct identification was realized by Redtenbacher (1884), followed few years later by an anatomic study by Meinert (1889) despite the latter author identified this species as “ Myrmeleon pallidipennis Rambur?”. The best study on the biology of this species is the excellent work of Principi (1947) dealing the life cycle, the larval morphology, ecology and behaviour. This antlion is probably the better known European non pitbuilding species being extensively studied (Richard 1952; Richard & Pons 1952; Saffré 1957; Steffan 1975; Stange & Miller 1985; Gepp & Hölzel 1989; Gepp 2010; Krivokhatsky 2011).
Examined specimens. Italy. Lazio, Sabaudia (Latina), V.2006 (R. A. Pantaleoni), 1 L3. Sardinia, Sassari (Sassari), Porto Ferro, coastal dune, V.1999 (R. A. Pantaleoni), 2 L3; same locality VII.1999 (R. A. Pantaleoni), 2 L2. Sardinia, Sorso (Sassari), Platamona, coastal dune, V.1994 (R. A. Pantaleoni), 1 L1 and 4 L2; same locality IV.1999 (C. Cesaroni), 1 L3; same locality IX.2010 (D. Badano), 1 L3; same locality VIII.2012 (D. Badano), 1 L3. Sardinia, Alghero (Sassari), Maria Pia, coastal dune, V.1992 (R. A. Pantaleoni), 1 L3; XI.2009 (D. Badano), 2 L3. Sardinia, Arbus (Oristano), Torre dei Corsari, coastal dune, IV.2011 (D. Badano), 1 L3. Tunisia. Tunis, Plage Rafraf VI.2006 (R. A. Pantaleoni), 1 L3. Zoiraâ beach, VI.2006 (R. A. Pantaleoni), 1 L2 and 1 L3.
Description of 3 rd instar larva. Size (based on 12 specimens): BL 19.60 mm; HL 4.55 mm (4.09–5.00), HW 3.62 mm (3.10–4.27), ML 3.55 mm (3.51–4.42), HW/HL 0.80, ML/HL 0.78. General colouring very pale, sandlike with a conflicting black pattern on the dorsal side, ventral side whitish, unmarked; head capsule with a dorsal pair of large dark markings (Fig. 25b), lateral and ventral sides unmarked (Fig. 25c); mandibles light brown with a dark apex; legs pale; body covered by both black and robust setae and by whitish hair-like ones. Head rectangular, longer than wide; mandibles strong, slightly shorter than the head capsule (Fig. 25a); interdental mandibular setae: (0)(1–2)(1–2)(0); short setae are disposed on the external margin of the mandibles from the base to the apical tooth. Mesothoracic and abdominal spiracles dark. VIII abdominal sternite covered by large setae, thicker in proximity of the distal margin; IX sternite triangular in shape, with a transversal series of dark digging setae, caudal margin provided with large setae (Figs. 2F, 25d).
Bio-ecology. S. baetica is strictly associated with extensive sandy biotopes with limited vegetal covering, therefore it is a characteristic element of open coastal sand dunes although also reported from internal sandy habitats. It is a particularly common species in relatively undisturbed coastal dunes of the Mediterranean. The larvae of S. baetica are often buried at the base of psammophilus plants, where they are protected from atmospheric agents. The larvae are aggressive and active predators, able to rapidly pursue the prey for a short distance; during the day they are hidden under the sand surface, ambush hunting, while during the night they roam freely on the dunes.
Distribution. A widespread species in the western Palaearctic.
Remarks. Highly unmistakeable larva without closely related species in the western Palaearctic.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- R , V, R , VI, R
- Family
- Myrmeleontidae
- Genus
- Synclisis
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Neuroptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Rambur
- Species
- baetica
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Synclisis baetica (Rambur, 1842) sec. Badano & Pantaleoni, 2014
- Dufour, L. (1854) Excursion entomologique aux dunes de Biscarosse et d'Arcachon. Actes de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux, 19, 283 - 317.
- Ferrari, G. F. (1864) Kleiner Beitrag zur Kaferfauna Venedigs und des Lido, mitgetheilt von einem suddeutschen Entomologen. Wiener Entomologische Monatsschrift, 8, 105 - 113.
- Girard, M. (1875) Myrmeleontides du sud-ouest de la France. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France, 5.
- McLachlan, R. (1873) Neuropterologisches. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, 34, 444 - 451.
- Navas, L. (1923) Fauna de Catalunya. Entomologia de Catalunya. Neuropters. Fascicle I. Neuropters Propis. Publicacions de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, seccio de Ciencies, Barcelona, Spain, 270 pp.
- Redtenbacher, J. (1884) Ubersicht der Myrmeleoniden-Larven. Denkschriften, Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien, Mathematische-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 48, 335 - 368.
- Meinert, F. (1889) Contribution a l'anatomie de Fourmilions. Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger 1889, 43 - 66.
- Principi, M. M. (1947) Contributi allo studio dei Neurotteri Italiani. VI. Synclisis baetica Ramb. (Myrmeleonidae - Acanthaclisini). Bollettino dell'Istituto di Entomologia dell'Universita degli Studi di Bologna, 16, 234 - 253.
- Richard, G. & Pons, R. (1952) Contribution a l'etude ecologique des Fourmilions dans les Pyrenees-Orientales. Vie et Milieu, 2, 381 - 387.
- Saffre, G. (1957) Le tentorium de la larve du 3 e stade d' Acanthaclisis (Synclisis) baetica Ramb. (Nevroptere Planipenne - Famille des Myrmeleonidae). Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 82, 28 - 37.
- Steffan, J. R. (1975) Les larves de Fourmilions [Planipennes: Myrmeleontidae] de la faune de France. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France (N. S.), 11, 383 - 410.
- Miller, R. B. & Stange, L. A. (1985) Description of the antlion larva Navasoleon boliviana Banks with biological notes (Neuroptera; Myrmeleontidae). Neuroptera International, 3, 119 - 126.
- Gepp, J. & Holzel, H. (1989) Ameisenlowen und Ameisenjungfern. Myrmeleonidae. Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei 589. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, 108 pp. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1002 / mmnd. 19900370105
- Gepp, J. (2010) Ameisenlowen und Ameisenjungfern. Myrmeleontidae. Eine weltweite Betrachtung unter besonderer Berucksichtigung Mitteleuropas. 3., neubearbeitete Auflage. Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei 589. Westarp Wissenschaften- Verlagsgesellschaft, Hohenwarsleben, Germany, 168 pp.
- Krivokhatsky, V. A. (2011) Antlions (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) of Russia. KMK, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 334 pp.