Published December 18, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

A Revision of Eleodes Subgenus Litheleodes Blaisdell (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

  • 1. Museum of Biological Diversity, The Ohio State University 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212, U.S.A.
  • 2. USDA-ARS Cattle Fever Tick Research Laboratory 22675 N. Moorefield Road, Edinburg, TX 78596, U.S.A.


Triplehorn, Charles A., Thomas, Donald B. (2015): A Revision of Eleodes Subgenus Litheleodes Blaisdell (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo14) 69: 11-21, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065X-69.mo4.11



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