Published December 20, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Euphoria subguttata

  • 1. Molecular Ecology and Systematics Group Department of Botany and Department of Zoology and Entomology Rhodes University Grahamstown, SOUTH AFRICA 6140


Euphoria subguttata (Burmeister, 1842)

(Appendix 4: Fig. 21)

Erirhipis subguttata Burmeister 1842: 392. Original combination.

Holotype not located.

Description (n = 8). Length 13.4–14.7 mm; width 7.2–8.5 mm. Color: Dorsal surface tomentous, olive green, emerald green, reddish green, or reddish brown; tomentous layer partially absent on pronotum in females. Pronotum frequently with whitish, cretaceous band on lateral margin. Elytra frequently with small, sparse, whitish, cretaceous spots; apex frequently covered by cretaceous layer. Anterolateral angles of pygidium occasionally with irregularly rounded, cretaceous markings. Ventral surface shiny green, yellowish green, reddish green, or a combination of these colors. Head: Frons frequently medially depressed, occasionally with weak, medial, longitudinal ridge, densely punctate; punctures moderate to large, round, deeply impressed, occasionally coalescent, glabrous to densely setose; setae moderate to long, whitish to yellowish. Clypeus short, lateral margins strongly raised, sides arcuate, moderately convergent at apex; apex truncate in dorsal view, strongly sinuate in frontal view, moderately to strongly reflexed; surface moderately to densely punctate; punctures small to moderate, round, glabrous to moderately densely setose; setae yellowish, short to moderate. Antennal club as long as or longer than stem in males, shorter in females. Pronotum: Surface glabrous, sparsely punctate; punctures round to lunulate, small, denser, and larger towards sides and apex. Base in front of scutellum moderately to strongly emarginate. Scutellum longer than wide, impunctate. Elytra: Surface impunctate to sparsely punctate on anterior half, moderately densely punctate in posterior half, striae bearing small, lunulate or irregular punctures, costae weakly defined. Posterior half of sutural costa strongly raised in lateral view. Surface glabrous to sparsely setose, setae minute. Pygidium: Surface subconcentrically striate, striae discontinuous, moderately to strongly impressed, glabrous to sparsely setose, setae minute. Legs: Protibial teeth well developed in both sexes. Metatibial carina moderately developed. Metatarsi as long as metatibiae in males, shorter in females. Venter: Mesometasternal process extended slightly to well beyond mesocoxae, process glabrous on mesosternal lobe, apex variably rounded. Mesepimera, metasternum, and metacoxae setose, setae as on legs. Metasternum rugose, setose laterally, glabrous and impunctate at middle. Median sulcus strongly impressed. Abdominal sternites sparsely setose laterally, glabrous to sparsely setose medially, setae distributed along entire width of segment; setae long to moderate, yellowish; sides of sternites rounded. Abdomen of male with vague, longitudinal depression, flat in lateral view, convex in female. Male genitalia: Parameres as in Fig. 21c.

Diagnosis. This species is separated from others in the group by the sparsely punctate pronotum, pronotum entirely tomentous in the males and partially tomentous in the females, pronotum frequently with cretaceous lateral band, anterior half of the elytra impunctate to sparsely punctate, and form of the parameres. The emerald green and reddish green tones on the dorsum of this species are unique to the genus.

Notes. Few specimens (8) of this species are known from collections. Reyes and Morón (2005) reported collecting 94 specimens in Yucatán, Mexico in traps baited with plantain and beer.

Taxonomic History. Other than the original description by Burmeister (1842), this species has been mentioned little in the literature. Neither Bates (1889) nor Hardy (2001) had any specimens available.

Natural History. The few specimens known have been collected in fruit traps.

Temporal Distribution. M a y (5), J u n e (3) (Fig. 21g). Reyes and Morón (2005) recorded: April (19), May (69), June (1), July (5).

Geographic Distribution. Known only from Yucatán, Mexico (Fig. 21h).

Specimens Examined (8). Other material: MEXICO (8). YUCATÁN: Uxmal (3), Tzucacab (5).


Published as part of Orozco, Jesús, 2012, Monographic Revision of the American Genus Euphoria Burmeister, 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae), pp. 1-182 in The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 11) (mo 11) 66 on page 52, DOI: 10.1649/0010-066X-66.mo4.1,


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Euphoria subguttata (Burmeister, 1842) sec. Orozco, 2012


  • Burmeister, H. 1842. Handbuch der Entomologie. Dritter band. Besondere Entomologie, Fortsetzung. Coleoptera Lamellicornia Melitophila. T. C. F. Enslin, Berlin, Germany.
  • Reyes, E., and M. A. Moron. 2005. Fauna de Coleoptera Melolonthidae y Passalidae de Tzucacab y Conkal, Yucatan, Mexico. Acta Zoologica Mexicana 21: 15 - 49.
  • Bates, W. D. 1889. Insecta. Coleoptera. Pectinicornia and Lamellicornia, [pp. 362 - 374]. In: Biologia Centrali-Americana. Vol II, Part 2 (F. D. Godman and O. Salvin, editors). London, UK.
  • Hardy, A. R. 2001. Studies in the Euphoriina of the Americas (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) II. Status of names in Euphoria, types and synonymies, with notes on the South American species. Pan- Pacific Entomologist 77: 127 - 143.