Published December 31, 2011
| Version v1
Taxonomic treatment
Gagea (sect. Didymobulbos) K. Koch
- 1. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond TW 9 3 AB, UK. Current address: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, 25 Willcocks St., Toronto, Ontario M 5 S 1 B 1, Canada. E-mail for correspondence: m. zarrei @ utoronto. ca
Gagea section Didymobulbos K.Koch, Linnaea 22: 229 (1849).
Species included: Gagea chomutovae Pascher (1907: 372), G. confusa Terracciano (1904: 5), G. dschungarica Regel (1879: 513), G. fragifera (Vill.) Bayer & López (1989: 663), G. gageoides (Zucc.) Vvedensky (1932: 261), G. kunawurensis (Royle) Greuter (1970: 155), G. tenera Pascher (1904: 129), G. villosa (M.Bieb.) Sweet (1826: 418), and G. dubia Terracciano (1904: 6).
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Additional details
- Pascher, A. (1907) Conspectus Gagearum Asiae. Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou 19: 353 - 375.
- Terracciano, A. (1904) Gagearum novarum diagnoses. Bollettino del Royal Orte Botanico, Palermo 2: 1 - 7.
- Regel, E. U. (1879) Plantarum regiones turkestanicas incolentium, secundum specimina sicca elaboratarum, descriptiones. Liliaceae. Trudy Imperatorskago S. - Peterburgskago Botaniceskago Sada. Acta Horti Petropolitani 6: 500 - 535.
- Bayer, E. & Lopez Gonzalez, G. (1989) Nomenclatural notes on some names in Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae). Taxon 38: 643 - 645.
- Vvedensky, A. I. (1932) p. 261 & p. 269, in: Fedtsche nko, B. A. (e d.) Flora Turkemenii vol. 1. Turkmenskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izd., Ashkhabad.
- Greuter, W. (1970) The taxonomic position of Lloydia graeca (Liliaceae) and related species. Israel Journal of Botany 19: 155 - 160.
- Pascher, A. (1904) Ubersicht uber die Arten der Gattung Gagea. Sitzungberichte des deutschen naturwissenschaflichmedicischen Vereins fur Bohmen ' Lotos' 24: 109 - 131.
- Sweet, R. (1826) Hortus britannicus. James Ridgway, London.