Published June 7, 2021 | Version 1.0
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UAV/Drone Drop Device for Coastal Studies

  • 1. University of Aveiro


 A) Drone/UAV Arduino drop device for coastal studies.


1. Circuit board for print;

2. Arduino code to drop device at a certain time;

3. Figures.

B) Required equipments:

1. Arduino Nano;

2. Altitute Sensor;

3. Relay for Arduino;

4. Resistors;

5. USB lighter;

6. 6V Battery.

C) Instruction:

1. Print the circuit board and connect the sensors, relay, and resistors;

2. Disassemble the USB lighter and connect the USB inputs to the 6V battery.

3. Connect the battery with the Arduino relay;

4. Create a structure for a nylon string to pass through the electrical resistor of the USB lighter (Fig. 3);

D) How it works?

The Altimetry Sensor is programmed in Arduino so that when the drone reaches a certain altitude (e.g, 30m), the 6V battery is activated to turn on a modified USB lighter with an electrical resistor that burns a nylon wire and drops the coastal sensor in the water.


drop device

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