Published April 15, 2021 | Version v1.0.1
Dataset Open

Acoustic mist ionisation - mass spectrometry (AMI-MS) for ultra-high throughput metabolomics screening

  • 1. University of Birmingham
  • 2. AstraZeneca UK Ltd


Data from acoustic mist ionisation mass spectrometry (AMI-MS) analysis of; standards sample set (folder - 'MetaboliteStandards'), biological technical replicates sample set (folder - 'TechnicalReplicates'), biological controls sample set (folder - 'BiologicalControls') and toxicity study sample set (folder - 'ToxicityStudy').

From each sample set *.mzML file(s) containing mass spectrometry data and *.txt file of the same name containing associated scan metadata are provided.

Metadata about the samples are provided for the the technical replicates ('BiologicalTechnicalReplicates_Metadata.txt') and toxicity study ('Toxicity_Metadata.txt') datasets which includes the live cell imaging data in the latter case.


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Developing and applying mass spectrometry imaging of model organisms - enhancing the tools for metabolic phenotyping BB/R506138/1
UK Research and Innovation