Brane - Visualization Package
A visualization utility package for Brane.
## Features
Currently, we support three main features in one function:
- `plot`:
- Automatically plot data set
- Plot user defined columns, in a generic plot
- Plot user defined columns, in user defined plots
## Installation
Import directly from GitHub:
brane import wscs-2021/vis-utils
## Requirements
- pandas
- numpy
- matplotlib
- seaborn
### Dev requirements
- pytest
## Usage
Function **plot**:
`plot(input_path, <optional> x_axis, <optional> y_axis, <optional> hue_axis, <optional> options, <optional> output_path)`
> import vis-utils;
> plot("path/to/input.csv", (optional)"<column_name>", (optional)"<column_name>", (optional)"<column_name>", (optional) "options", (optional), (optional) "path/to/output.csv")
- REQUIRED `input_path`: string, path to .csv/.json/.parquet data file
- Example: "tests/dummy_data/penguins.csv"
- OPTIONAL `x_axis`: string, column name of desired x_axis
- Example: "species"
- OPTIONAL `y_axis`: string, column name of desired y_axis
- Example: "flipper_length_mm"
- OPTIONAL `hue_axis`: string, column name of desired hue_axis
- Example: "sex"
- OPTIONAL `options`: string, list of sublists, containing [subsublist of column names] and a plot name
- Example: `"[[['species', 'sex'], 'barplot'],[['species', 'flipper_length_mm'],'violinplot']]"`
- Possible plot names: `'relplot', 'scatterplot', 'lineplot', 'displot', 'histplot', 'kdeplot',
'ecdfplot', 'rugplot', 'catplot', 'stripplot', 'swarmplot', 'boxplot',
'violinplot', 'pointplot', 'barplot'`
- OPTIONAL `output_path`: string, path to directory where figures will be written
- Example: "tests"
- If no optional params are given, the function automatically plots all possible columns
- If options is given, axes will be disregarded
- not all axes need to be specified, all three can be combined in any way (e.g. x_axis + hue_axis)
- If output_path is not specified, it will output to the same directory as the input file
- Output text: string, paths to files and/or possible errors
- Output files: .png, plots in (optional) output_path
## Automatic Plotting
The following plots are chosen for automatic plotting of data
**No axes and options given**:
- X_axis (string) and y_axis (string): `catplot`
- Else: `barplot`
**Axes given (no options)**:
- Only x_axis: `displot`
- Else: `catplot`
## Test
Run unit tests with `pytest`:
Test whether the API is executable:
`make test_plot_executable`
`make test_options_executable`
`make test_axes_executable`
Test in Brane:
$ brane --debug test -d . plot
✔ The function the execute · plot
Please provide input for the chosen function:
[2021-05-26T10:28:13Z DEBUG] {}
✔ input_path (string) · /data/plot/test/penguins.csv
You should now see `<figure_name>.png` in `/data/plot/test/<figure_name>.png`.
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