Published December 31, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Non-Smoking Area Policy in Public Spaces as an Effort to Protect Passive Smokers


This study examines the policy of no smoking areas in public open spaces comprehensively as an effort to reduce cigarette smoke exposure where the program and activities also efforts of the government and the community through education and advocacy and awareness about dangers of smoking. Research targets review and analyze non smoking area policies in public open spaces to prevent exposure to cigarette smoke, so these variables can be studied comprehensively and holistically then a qualitative approach is used. In 2017 cigarette production was 341,9 billion cigarettes. According to director of customs and excise admissions and regulations at the directorate general of customs and excise Susiwijono when looking at the actual cigarette production realization figures in the July 2014 period, it can be seen that the effect of the Government regulation no 109 of 2012 related to the provisions of the Health Warning (pictorial health warning) that requires installation of health warning pictures 40% of the area of cigarette packaging is not too significant in controlling the production and consumption of cigarettes. There may be an effect on cigarette consumption, but not to large. Of the ten largest smokers in the world, Indonesia ranks third after China and India. For Surabaya, the active number of workers among young people at the age of students is very alarming. In October 2012, active smokers were 12,98 % and 14,3% of students had and sometimes smoked. Surabaya city government often sees that people who don’t smoke or can be termed passive smokers often get the effects of people who smoke or are active smokers. Of course, passive smokers get losses here especially health problems and disruption of the public environment


Volume 8 Issue 12 Paper 3.pdf

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