Monsoon precipitation phase change accelerates glacier mass loss in the Southeast Tibetan Plateau
- 1. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmensdorf, Switzerland
- 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
- 3. Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IRD, IGE, F-38000 Grenoble, France
- 4. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Earth System Modeling, Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Materials and data results needed to reproduce the findings of the submitted work:
"Accelerated glacier mass loss in the Southeast Tibetan Plateau is dominated by monsoon precipitation phase change". A. Jouberton, T. E. Shaw, E. Miles, M. McCarthy, S. Fugger, S. Ren, A. Dehecq, W. Yang and F. Pellicciotti
It includes the meteorological forcing time-series, an exhaustive list of the model parameters, the outputs of TOPKAPI-ETH, and Matlab scripts allowing to reproduce the figures and compute the numbers given in the main manuscript as well as in the Supplementary Information.
Contents :
Folder : "Matlab_scripts"
'Climate_import.m' : Organizes meteorological forcings and generates Figure S7
'TOPKAPI_result_import.m' : Imports TOPKAPI's reference run outputs and prepares them for analysis
'Experiment_analysis.m' : Analyses the results of the forcing experiments, generates Figure 4 and Figure S16
'Main_text_results.m' : Analyses the results of TOPKAPI's reference runs, generates Figure 1D, FIgure 2 and Figure 3
'TOPKAPI_validation.m' : Compares TOPKAPI's reference run results with several validation datasets, generates the figures and performance metrics of the model calibration and validation procedure.
Folder : "Remote_sensing" :
'parlung_mask_1974.mat' = Parlung No.4 glacier mask as a matlab file
'dh_ASTER_SRTM_30m.tif' = Mean elevation change rate from 2000 to 2016 at Parlung No.4 catchment.
'Geodetic_map.mat' = Elevation change maps for the periods 1974-2000 and 1974-2014, as a matlab file
'GMB_geodetic.mat' = Geodetic mass balance (glacier-wide mean and profile per elevation band) used in Figure S13
'parlung_30m_catchment_mask.tif' = Parlung No.4 catchment mask
'parlung_1974_30m_dem.tif' = DEM of Parlung No.4 catchment, 30 m resolution
'parlung_1974_30m_gla.tif' = Parlung No. 4 glacier mask, 30m resolution
'parlung_1974_30m_glah.tif' = Reconstructed ice thickness of 1975 for Parlung No.4 glacier
'parlung_1974_2000_diff_24m.tif' = Elevation change from DEM differencing at Parlung No.4 catchment for 1974-2000
'parlung_1974_2014_diff_24m.tif' = Elevation change from DEM differencing at Parlung No.4 catchment for 1974-2014
'Parlung_1974_bedrock_dem_30m.tif' = Bedrock surface digital elevation model of the catchment, 30m spatial resolution
Folder : "TOPKAPI_forcing" :
CCT_AWS4600_extended.csv : Hourly cloud cover transmissivity from 1975 to 2018 reconstructed at AWSoff location
Climate.mat : Organizes meteorological forcings, output from the matlab script 'Climate_import.m'
LR_AWS4600_extended.csv : Hourly temperature lapse-rates from 1975 to 2018 reconstructed at AWSoff location
Precipitation_AWS4600_extended.csv : Hourly precipitation from 1975 to 2018 reconstructed at AWSoff location
Ta_AWS4600_extended.csv : Hourly air temperature from 1975 to 2018 reconstructed at AWSoff location
Folder : "TOPKAPI_output":
Sub-Folder : "Forcing experiment" = organized TOPKAPI outputs from the forcing experiment
Sub-Folder :" Reference_run_outputs" = raw TOPKAPI outputs from the reference run (catchment average, spatial and grid cells)
Sub-Folder : "Reference_run_results" = organized TOPKAPI outputs from the reference run
Sub-Folder : "Snow_ice_cover" = organized TOPKAPI snow and ice fraction cover (daily map outputs)
Folder : "Validation_data"
'topkapi.out_reference_discharge2016' = raw TOPKAPI outputs run in 2016 with AWSoff air temperature
'LS_fsc_map.mat' = snow cover maps from Landsat 5, 6, 7, 8 at Parlung No.4 catchment
'LS_fsc_meta.mat' = metadata of snow cover maps from Landsat 5, 6, 7, 8 at Parlung No.4 catchment
'master_file_parlung.mat' = matlab structure containing AWS measurements, necessary for running 'TOPKAPI_validation.m'
'parlung_sca.csv' = fractional snow cover area at Parlung No.4 catchment derived from MODIS product
'parlung_sica_table.csv' = fractional snow + ice cover area at Parlung No.4 catchment derived from MODIS product
'Qdigit.mat' = Discharge measured at the Parlung No.4 glacier outlet, from Li et al., (2016)
'Sica_modis.mat' = fractional snow + ice cover area at Parlung No.4 catchment derived from MODIS product, as a matlab file
Any request about data or questions about how to run the matlab scripts can be asked to the author of the paper (at
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