Published May 27, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University


Problem of setting. Public government – it political practice of power which is carried
out within the limits of the constitutionally political system and has a direct influence on
all industries of life of socium is important. An effective public management in Ukraine
must provide the state of stability, implementation of social obligations the states, deserving
a condition for realization of congratulatory, financial, spiritual and social necessities of
citizens; but him high-quality indexes far imperfect and characterized the plural of
Recent research and publications analysis. The questions of modernization and
reforms of the system of state administration, constructions of the legal, social state, social
and political processes are actively probed in the scientific mind of Ukraine, by the necessity
of achievement of balance between the vital necessities of societies and interests of the
state. Quite a bit Ukrainian scientists were engaged in researches of these questions –
V. Kostytsky, І. Kostytska, O. Koban, A. Kovalenko, O. Batanov, I. Reznik, G. Chapala,
M. Pukhtinskiy et al.
Paper objective – ground of position, that a public management in Ukraine, which is
carried out by public organs, local self-government, political parties and groups of political
influence, must correlate with public resonance, to support the legitimity and answer to
the innovative tendencies.Paper main body. A management in the public sphere of the state is very difficult
professional activity, and foresees state and legal responsibility and account of public
interests and expectations. However, disfunctions and destructions of public management
can draw social and political instability, cutback of economic activity or regress, even
weakening of sovereignty of the state. The criteria of political modernization matter very
much for modern Ukraine: capacity of the political system for perception of innovations
and mobilization of resources of power, structural and functional perfection of institutes
of policy, powerful «social elevators» for equal access of people to imperious positions,
effectiveness of principle of «equality all before a law».
To Ukraine, as to the young state which passed by democratic transit, naturally peculiar
strategy of reforms. Reformation is a not workaday situation for a country, it generates
calls and problems. Among them most difficult is destructive of political power, what
democratic development of country and becoming of civil institutes is braked through.
Sociological researches rotined that a population considered: «The state must take more
responsibility in providing of life of citizens» (68,6 %). Stably negative is attitude of people
toward a department judicial, which loses a «social capital» through inability to the just
legal proceeding and mercenary political interests. In the end, unique reform 2014, that
purchased positive social resonance is the process of decentralization the public power
and strengthening of local self-government, which is mainly approved by citizens.
Conclusions of the research. Problems of public management and collision of reforms
are the sign of modern democracies which are modernized. The political system and public
management can be effectively modernized at the maintainance of their integrity,
institutional memory and, at the same time, harmonious relationships with a social


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