Published January 28, 2021 | Version v1
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Journal of Scholastic Engineering Science and Management Monthly Library E-Journal Book

  • 1. Journal Manager


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  • 1. Journal Manager


The Journal of Scholastic Engineering Science and Management is an open access and peer-reviewed monthly E-journal. It publishes both theoretical and experimental high-quality papers of permanent interest, not previously published in journals, in the field of engineering, applied science and Management. The goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, practitioners and Industry professionals. The journal incorporates various research papers as well as case study papers.


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  • H K, Vasudendra. Journal of Scholastic Engineering Science and Management Monthly Library E-Journal Book. 2021st ed. Vol. 1. 1 vols. 1 1. 2021. Reprint, India: Journal of Scholastic Engineering Science and Management, 2021.
  • (, 2021)