Published May 7, 2021 | Version Chapter 6
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Diffusional Approach on Electrospun PLLA Membranes for Caffeine Delivery

  • 1. Institut d'Investigació Tèxtil i Cooperació Industrial de Terrassa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain.
  • 2. Chemical Engineering Department, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain.


One of the great advantages of electrospun fibers is the large tridimensional area produced, capable of storing any type of material. The aim of our investigation is to study the electrospinning technique to produce polymer membranes for drug delivery applications, given their large surface area and ability to transport a bioactive compound. A mathematical modeling of the delivery system kinetics was also studied to find the mechanism that controls the releasing process. Results showed that electrospinning could provide regular and smooth membranes suitable for drug delivery processes. The choice of a proper solvent for this process was an important parameter analyzed, because it determined whether fibers were capable of forming, as well as influencing fiber porosity. The mathematical modeling also proved that thicker PLLA membranes exhibited a Fickian diffusion behavior during the drug transport, presenting better control in drug delivery processes.



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