Published May 25, 2021 | Version v1
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Flussi di convergenza tra musica elettronica e pratiche artistiche nell'era post-internet. Advanced Festival, ibridazione negli artisti millennials nel decennio 2010-2020


In this thesis we will globally address two main nuclei: on the one hand, electronic music and, on the other, the art world, creating an axis between the two, around which this paper will revolve. Starting from a historical framework that studies the convergence of sound in art in the 20th century and the phenomenon of rave parties, we will position ourselves in the 90s, to face the examination of the phenomenon of convergence between advanced electronic music and artistic practices in the post-internet era. Artistic proposals that have to do with the world of new media art, digital art and sound art, appeared at the end of the 90s and proliferated from Internet 2.0 onwards, through digital avant-garde festivals and on the web, and that give music a main value. We will analyze the activity of artists who, recognized for their work as musicians, are often omitted from the manuals of contemporary art history, new media and post-internet art, which we nevertheless consider of vital importance for our axis of research.

We will investigate how digital avant-garde festivals or advanced festivals emerge and consolidate, addressing the case study of the MIRA festival (Barcelona). We will look at what, in a detailed and specific way, the processes of creation and production of the artists of this generation consist of, in particular by analyzing the work of the Chilean-New York artist Nicolas Jaar. We will devote attention to the factors that drive this dialectic between electronic music and other artistic forms typical of the post-internet era, with particular attention to the progressive arrival of technology, the uses and forms of consumption of new digital devices and Internet 2.0. To conclude, we will attempt to bring together these points of convergence to draw lines of tangency in this story of hybridization between music and art in the 2010- 2020 decade.


TESI MAGISTRALE. DEF. JOSÉ LUIS REYES. Flussi di convergenza tra musica elettronica e pratiche artistiche nell'era post-internet..pdf