Published May 24, 2021 | Version 0.1
Software Open

Fractality — image box-counting in python

  • 1. CASUS - Center for Advanced Systems Understanding, Görlitz, Germany
  • 2. Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Architecture, Prague, Czech Republic


Python script for calculating the box counting (BC) dimension of grayscale images. Suitable for batch processing of many images in four main modes of operation:

  • global: outputs a single number representing the BC dimension
  • local: outputs an image where each pixel is colored according to the BC dimension of a box of a specific size centered at the pixel
  • partial: outputs an image divided to subgrid of specified size colored by the BC dimension of each grid cell
  • difference: outptus an image colored according to a difference between partial dimansions of two input images

Lates version available at


Funded by the Czech Technical University in Prague grant SGS18/089/OHK1/1T/15.


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